Woman Of Revelation

Start from the beginning

This speaks of relationship and intimacy.

If you want God to reveal to you your calling, gifts etc, ask yourself how is your relationship with God.
Are you and God on and off? God revealed something to Abraham was someone who constantly fellowshipped (spent time) with God. Abraham prayed, sought God, and walked with God in obedience and consecration.

When you're in a consistent and strong relationship with God you'll start to notice that God will speak to you more and more. We can't expect God to speak and reveal everything with us if we barely speak to Him and value Him.

Focus on building a relationship with God where you share your heart. Make your relationship with God real and genuine. Talk to Him, ask Him questions, tell Him your thoughts and desire and ask what His will is. Do so consistently and if truly you're seeking God with you're heart, He'll start revealing Himself to you.

I know as I grew in my relationship with God, I would get lead to make decisions or not make decisions. He would speak to me through the word. He would speak to me through people. He would speak to me through peace. He would warn me through dreams and reveal things that I wouldn't know without Him. Seeking God and building that relationship with Him is very important. There are only certain things that God doesn't reveal to just His children but God reveals to His friends and friendship takes time to build through growing deeper in relationship.

3) Value God in your life

When you value God's opinion, thoughts, heart etc God will reveal more to you. If you don't really care what God thinks, you might not receive many revelations. Why?

because you barely care.

Value God in your life. Value His heart and will for your life. Truly see it as important to pray before you sign that contract, see it as important to pray before you pack your bags to move, and see it as important to pray before you engage in that relationship.

See it as important.

Be open to knowing what God has to say and be accepting to God's yes and no. Be someone that values God's opinion.

When the apostle Paul and other disciples wanted to go to Asia to preach the Gospel, the Holy Spirit stopped them (Acts 16:6-7). If Paul was someone who didn't value the Holy Spirit's opinion then maybe he wouldn't have received that stop, if he wasn't in a relationship with the Holy Spirit maybe he wouldn't get that nudge. God always speaks but to receive that revelation and to hear Him requires you to desire to follow Him.

Basically, God was saying no, don't go, this isn't my will. God wants you to value that that's not what He wants or that is what He wants.

Ask yourself if you value God's opinions on your study, in what to do and not to do or if you don't really care. If you do value it you'll show you do by seeking God in prayer beforehand and always obeying where His leading you.

4) Adknowledge you don't know it all

You must be humble to receive revelation. That's why Jesus said how God has hidden things from the wise and understanding and revealed it to little children (Matthew 11:25).

If you think you know it all and don't need God, don't expect to receive many revelations.

When you enter the presence of God, forget whatever titles you have. Forget yourself in ministry and become teachable. Ask God simply and desire to know. Holding fast to your own will and what you established no matter what won't get you anywhere. God reveals things to those who are willing to receive them because God walks with the humble and the proud will come crashing down (Proverbs 16:18).

If in your mind you're already convinced that business deal is it or that guy is perfect and you're not willing (or fully willing) to accept you might have been wrong this whole time, it will make it difficult to accept God's revelation

A woman of God I know said she was once dating someone and though she would hear God clearly say no, she would make excuses in her head telling her it was him. So no matter what she wanted to be with him. She convinced herself it was God's will till finally, she told herself to stop lying to herself. Deep down she knew God was saying it wasn't it. I can imagine God spoke to her through friends that this isn't it but she was too persistent and stubborn. She tried convincing herself he could change.

When you desire revelation don't hold fast to your way or the high way but be someone who genuinely want to know and is willing to receive whatever response God gives you. For that, it takes humility to:

1) Acknowledge you don't know it all
2) You may be wrong
3) You could've misled yourself
4) Someone else could've been wrong

You won't learn on your own understanding but will be open to following whatever direction He leads even if it looks contrary to the one you wanted. You aren't someone that says "my way or the high way"

You're someone who says "this is my will, way and desires but may Your will Lord prevail"

5) Seek God in prayer

1 Chronicles 12:32
32 Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command.

Know what to do and when. When to work in silence and when to announce. You seek God in prayer for Him to open your eyes and reveal things to you.

Jesus knew Judas would betray Him (John 13:21, John 13:27) because He was in constant communion with the Father and always seeking Him in prayer.

God will reveal warnings of things to us. He reveals who to trust and who not to. God can reveal to you the plans and agendas of the enemy. God can reveal the traps of the enemy and of those who are against you. There are many times where I got warnings from God of what not to do.

God warned Joseph (Mary's husband) to leave to go to Egypt to hide (Matthew 2:13). If God never gave Joseph that revelation it would be a costrasphe.

Revelation reveals what God has placed inside of you.

God can reveal to you what path to take and what gifts and talents He has invested in you. God can reveal to you the name of your next book. He can guide you to what to do in your school, what to study etc. It takes revelation to know what God has invested in you and His plans for your life.

God revealed to Jesus that His son and that He was pleased God revealed to Mary who she would give birth to, God revealed to Joseph not to break his relationship with Mary but to remain with her (Matthew 1:20). God revealed to Joseph the plan He had for his life (Genesis 37:1-11).

Take time to pray and seek God in your mission and purpose here on earth.

When you seek for God's revelation regarding your life it helps you not make bad choices, waste time and have regrets. If you pray before pursuing a relationship then you'll avoid the mistake of marrying the wrong person. If you seek God on what to study and who you should be you won't regret doing a job you don't like. If you seek God on how, what and when to do something you'll live in peace despite trials.

Revelation gives you reassurance
Relegation gives you confidence
Revelation gives you direction
Revelation gives the certainty of success

What God reveals to you to do is something you're granted success in.


Because God is the Alpha and The Omega. He knows all. He knows what plan will work and what won't. He knows how your life should be. Whatever He'll tell you will be exactly how it should be. Even when problems come in that marriage you'll have that faith to know that He who led you to marry that person will help you two remain married. You'll know that despite the many problems coming with that career that He who led you to get that job will make everything work out in the end.

God's revelation comforts during storms and confidence during testing times.

So I encourage you to start seeking God's revelation. Make it your lifestyle every day to ask God to reveal to you something. Ask Him to direct your steps. Ask Him what this season should look like or what choices you should make.

And seek it with all your heart.

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