Woman Of Disipline And Consecretion

Start from the beginning

Here's a list :
The word

Doing these things bring us close to God. You now start working on how to implement them. You ask yourself.

How will I read the word more? How will I worship more?

You now can start writing down how you want to fast at least 4 times a month or how you want to pray every day at 18:00. You can write how you want to read a chapter from the Bible every day.

Set specific goals. Don't make goals that aren't specific because you'll easily get discouraged because they are big goals that don't have small goals to be the root.

This is something that I desire for you to grow in. A life of prayer and sacrifice will get you where you desire to be.

Where you desire to require a very big price. It requires a lot of discipline from an early age. Like Samuel, God can start training you. To train you the Lord needs you to be in the temple. Samuel was a sacrifice. He was separated from his parents for service to God. He wasn't like the other boys. He had a stricter way of life. He was a temple boy, helping the prophets and priests. He stayed there. While other kids were playing random games, he was in the temple watching the prophets and learning. He was in the temple hearing God's voice and being trained to be a great prophet one day

It was in that place of consecration God revealed Himself to Samuel. God spoke to Samuel and started walking with Samuel in that house of discipline. Samuel knew he wasn't like the others. He wasn't like the other guys who could go out and watch the pigs eat. He had to be focused on God's work.

This is how God wants you to be. A young girl but set apart. Conscreatated. You don't live like just any other person. That thought is found in the level you'll separate yourself from everything to seek God. God wants you to be in the temple and far from even things you like and enjoy that push you further Him. Samuel paid the price of being away from his parents to become a great prophet of God. For you, you'll have to pay the price of things you enjoy that aren't even sins but because God wants to use you, He needs you to be in the temple.

With that revelation, I strongly feel that this is where God wants us now. He has been calling our names so we can start climbing the mountain.

I can remember a few years back. I did my first fast. It was a week fast and I had a simple request of seeking God. It was a personal one but I was serious and it was in that place of seeking God, and consecration that God spoke to me in such a way that it shocked me. I was so shocked and it was when I started hearing His voice clearer. It was in that place of seeking God that I began my walk with Him in a deeper way.

It was there that some things He said till now still anchor me in storms

It took putting away distractions. It took putting away the phone. It took not eating when delicious food was there. It took resisting distractions to take my bible, book, and pen, play worship and stay there with a desire for God to show me His face.

Your future self will thank you. Want to be great? Be a woman of sacrifice. Want to be used by God? First, give your time. It's in that place God will start growing your relationship to another level. Your maturity rises to take charge of your spiritual life. It's where you grow to be Christian to now a true woman of God who is seeking God

So I encourage you to do some things today.

1) Write down all your big goals

2) Come out with smaller achievable goals you'll do

This can be setting up an alarm to wake up earlier to pray.

3) Pray and ask God to help you to achieve those goals

We can't do anything without the help of The Holy Spirit. Don't rely on yourself!

4) Set a goal that will work for you.

Don't do something that you aren't able to achieve because you'll be busy.

For example, setting a goal to read 2 chapters a day when you're in the middle of exams can be too difficult and unrealistic for you personally. Rather make it 1 chapter or even half a chapter so though you're busy with studying, you still prioritise the words.

5) Always remember the goal of what you want to see at the end of the year, your life, and this season.

There is a you that's ready to be birthed. A you that you desire to see. If you want to see yourself growing to be a strong wonderful woman of God then remember that goal during those difficult times.

Remember perseverance and consistency is key during times of difficulty. It won't always be easy to pray and seek God.

But it sure is worth it!

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