Chapter 25

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I woke up feeling very tired from last night even though I didn't drink.

I woke up to tobi snoring and I laughed while getting my phone out to record. I posted it on my Instagram story and immediately the boys were in my room.

They were recording it too and posting it on their social media. Finally we decided to scare him.

I recorded the whole thing and we all jumped at the same time.

"OMG" he jumped

We started laughing so much we were crying.

"Oh my fucking goodness guys."

I hugged him. "Sorry not sorry babe"

We all went downstairs to discuss the next sidemen Sunday.

"Well we got a question about sidemen lie detector" I put in

"That's actually not a shit idea tho." Josh says

"Yea and jj could be one of his characters"

"Sir Theodore the third" Jj says

"Yes that's amazing" ethan says

"So jj is coming up with the questions" Vik asks

"Yea I guess" Harry says

"Ok settled we rent the stuff out for tomorrow"

We agree and go our seperate ways

I go to start a stream when tobi walks in

"Don't mind me just chilling I'm tired"

"Okie dokie"

I start stream and I'm playing a scary game. All of a sudden someone scares the absolute shit outta me


I turn around to tobi laughing

"TOBI. Omg your sleeping on the couch tonight." I turn to see my chat going crazy

"well that's gonna get clipped"

He hugs me tight and the chat goes mental with Awww and cute couple shit.

He stays while I chat to stream answering questions when josh walks in.

"Hey you streaming?"

"Yea what's up"

"Stuff is here for recording let's do it today."

"Oh ok give us 5"

He nods and before he walk out he yells "SUB TO ZERKAA"

"no dont do that"

I say goodbye to stream and we go downstairs to film

Jj does the intro and I can't stop laughing

Tobi is first jj says something about his nose

"Do you look in the mirror and say wow it's so big" sir Theodore says

"Yes but I thank God cause he blessed me with big things" Tobi reply's

The boys go crazy and I go red and fall to the floor laughing

We all clap tobi and the camera pans to me and jj asks "well is it true"

"Omg seriously" I look to tobi who's laughing

"No comment but we love god for his great work" I wink at tobi and the room goes crazy again

"Oh my gawd" Jj says

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