Chapter 11

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*Your pov*

I walked out of the elevator scared shitless. But I said goodbye to tobi and went inside.

The next thing I saw scared me to death. And I think that's what was coming.

He had a knife.

"Who did you see on your little walk today?" Nathan said with a smile. "Was it the boys? Yes I think it was." He said coming closer to me.

"I tried making them leave but they kept pulling me back I promise." I said tears forming.

"I know I know. But what did you shout to them? Oh right you told them what would happen. And what did I say would happen if you did that? Hmm?" He smiled

All of a sudden a sharp pain was in my stomach.

He stabbed me. He fucking stabbed me.

I couldn't scream I didn't know what to do. He stabbed me multiple more times. I fell to the ground and he ran out laughing hoping I would just bleed to death.

I ran downstairs hoping to see Tobi's car. He was gone. The sidemen house wasn't far from here. So I ran. Everything hurt.

I got there and I was starting to go dizzy. But I knocked on the door to see tobi. "Y/N you got out." He looked relieved and went to hug me. He looked down as I was crying and saw my hand holding my stomach. "Tobi." I dropped to the floor but he caught me just in time.

*Tobi's Pov*

"SHIT. JOSH SIMON SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE. HURRY." I yelled as I caught her. She passed out.

The boys ran to the door to see her bleeding and I was putting pressure on her wound. I was crying and so was everyone else.

Simon called an ambulance and they came and took her to the hospital with Josh in the van with her. The rest of us drove to the hospital as soon as we could.

I couldn't lose her a third time not a chance. I got there and told them Y/N Bradley. They said she was in surgery but we waited with Josh.

We waited hours but we all stayed. The nurse came out and said she was in a coma and they didn't know whether she was going to wake up. I fell to the ground and Josh sat down next to me and hugged me. The rest of the boys hugged us and cried.

"We're not going to lose her, she's too strong." Ethan said through tears.

"Guys. I can't lose her a third time. I can't."

"You won't she's a Bradley." Josh said comforting me but he didn't know whether to believe himself.

We got to see her and she was connected to so many wires. It was heartbreaking.

Josh and I sat next to her. I held her hand.

The next few days I was there from the moment visiting hours opened to the moment they closed. I couldn't leave her. The boys were getting worried but I told them I was fine.

One day the boys were home recording and I was there with Y/N. I held her hand and prayed for her like I did everyday. I then just began to speak.

*Y/N's Pov*

I heard everything. But I couldn't see. I was in a coma. Hearing the boys stupid jokes and attempts to make each other laugh and lighten the mood. It was good to hear their voices and laughs again.

And tobi was in here every day with me and he was here now. I missed him at nights well what I thought were night because he made me feel safe.

He was holding my hand I had so many butterflies in my stomach. He then started to speak.

"Y/N I know you probably can't hear me but I need you to wake up. They have given you a couple of days or they will pull the plug. I really need you.

I know this is stupid but when you were about to go to uni I was about to tell you how I felt. I liked you since I first met you. But I chickened out not thinking you felt the same. Josh told me you did after I told him that and all I wanted to do was cry. You came back and I had my chance but you got a boyfriend who loved you. Or so I thought."

Omg did he really just say that he liked me.

"And I lost my chance. But I knew you weren't clumsy enough to hurt yourself nearly everyday. I knew something was up. You then blocked us and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't lose you. And when we saw you that day I was the happiest person. Until I found out the truth. I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner. And Josh is too. He didn't know what would happen. I regretted leaving you with Nathan. I can't believe someone would treat someone so perfect so bad."

Did he just call me perfect?

"Y/N please wake up. Your my world."

Omg. I tried so hard to open my eyes but I had no control.

"Sir, visiting time is over. If she doesn't wake by tomorrow night then we will pull the plug. I'm sorry."

"Oh ok I'll get everyone to say their goodbyes tomorrow." He was crying.

I needed to wake up. But how?

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