Chapter 18

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Y/ns pov

I woke up and my head was killing me. I woke up cold. Why wasn't the heater on.

I turn around and tobi isn't there. And I'm not where I'm supposed to be. It looks like an old abandoned  warehouse.

I sit up in pain and look at my body with all cuts and scars. What the fuck happened. I see some old magazines probably from months ago lied on the ground but I can't read them. Probably because my head is killing hurting.

I hear footsteps and the door open. It's a guy. He comes closer to the light. Fucking hell.

Tears form in my eyes. "What do you want Nathan"

"Oh princess I want you. And I will have you. Your mine and little old tobi and Josh can't save you now." He laughed

"They will find me. What are you going to do to me."

"You made me feel like i failed when you survived before. You are weak and I'm going to put you in so much mental and physical pain. You might even die." He laughed a really evil laugh.

"Please stop. Don't do this." I say crying.

"Bitch shut up I can do whatever the fuck I want."

He came closer and I backed up. He hit me and then started to get closer and kiss me. "No Nathan stop it please stop your hurting me." I say really crying now.

He started to rape me and I couldn't scream for help. I let out slight screams but not enough.

Tobi's pov:

I woke up to someone talking. It was y/n. But no one else was in the room and her phone was on charge on my side. She was sleep talking.

She sounded nervous. I turned over to hear better on what she was saying.

"What do you want Nathan"


"They will find me. What are you going to do to me"

Why does she get these so often.

"Please stop. Don't do this." Shes crying now.

I'm shaking her trying to wake her up but she's in a deep sleep. I'm yelling and suddenly Josh comes in.

"What the fuck is happening"

"Josh help shes having a nightmare and she won't wake up."

Josh runs over to y/n and shakes her and lightly tapping her face. She's crying and she gets a word out every now and then which mostly is 'stop.'

It scares me at what she's saying stop too and that Nathan was involved. Was she getting hurt? Or worse raped? I tensed at the thought

After a few minutes she finally wakes up looking around to see me and hugs me. It's a real tight hug and won't let go. She's crying into my chest.

"Y/n what happened."

"He.. he.." she takes a deep breath. "I woke up in an abandoned warehouse and then Nathan walks in and hits me saying he wants me to himself and then.." she stops.

"Take your time"

"He raped me" she started crying.

"Hey hey. I'm sorry you had to dream about that but it was only a nightmare."

"It felt to real tobes. I'm scared."

"I'm here to protect you. I promise"

We sat hugging for a while and Josh went to touch y/ns shoulder and when he did she jumped and latched onto me tighter.

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