Two ❥

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"Tell me about your honeymoon." Joon sounded polite, but his smile didn't look genuine. You wanted to cross the table and hug him. Why hadn't he told you anything about Sujin?

"Nothing interesting, just beach time and sleeping in. What happened with Sujin? You were sure she was the one." You tried to keep your voice casual, to continue lifting bites of food to your mouth but you couldn't.

Joon looked pained. He set his chopsticks down and shrugged, looking at Jackson then you. Had something passed between them? That hurt you, before you'd been his wife you'd been Joon's best friend. You didn't want to think of him telling Jackson something he couldn't tell you.

"She was canceling plans with me a lot. Very nearly canceled coming to your wedding. I finally asked her to just be honest with me and she said she didn't see a future as an idol's wife." Joon shrugged again and picked his chopsticks back up eating again.

"It took her a year to decide that?" You were outraged, ready to be team Joon even if you'd been very close to her the last year. You made a mental note to call her tomorrow, grill her for why she'd strung him along for so long. Had you missed the signs that she was losing her feelings for him?

"I think she realized it from the beginning but tried to convince herself we could work. I was the one who didn't see what was happening. If I'd been there for her more I would have noticed. Don't go calling her Y/N and giving her hell either!" Joon frowned gesticulated your way with a bite of food.

"Fine, I won't but she's such an idiot; you're Kim Namjoon. Millions of girls would line up for a chance with you." Your pep talk seemed to just irritate him, you all ate for a minute, silent.

"Who cares how many girls think they want to be with me? They don't know me, and they don't realize what they'd have to put up with to be with me. I can't be mad at her for how she feels. Maybe you're cut out to be Jackson Wang's wife but not many women are as nurturing and understanding as you Y/N."

What he said made you blush but there was a lot of truth to what he said. You'd given up a lot of things to stay by Jackson's side. You'd accepted that there would be a lot of nights alone and a lot of frustrations. You wanted to feel sorry for her but then you didn't. The moment she knew it wasn't right for her she should have told him! Now Joon was alone and as his best friend you had to hate her.

"I can blame her! It's not like she didn't know what she was getting into, she just liked the excitement until she realized it wasn't always going to be glamorous." You fumed, he deserved so much better, and he was talking himself out of believing it.

"This is boring talk Y/N, I want to know all the juicy details from Thailand. I'm dying to know if you scared off the locals with your constant screaming." When Joon smiled this time it was real and you tossed a napkin at him.

"Yah! I don't scream!" Jackson laughed, and you threw one at him too.

"Pretty sure you sound like an exorcism candidate." Joon teased nudging Jackson who winked.

"Oh Jackson, yes! Yes!" Your husband mocked you gently his voice high pitched pretending to be you, and all three of you laughed the tension from a moment ago ebbing away.

"I don't sound like that." You blushed under Joon's dragon eyed gaze. You could feel the heat burn up your ears and wished dinner would wrap up already. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"How's your album?" Those eyes drifted to Jackson who groaned.

"Keeping me up at night more than Y/N, I need two more single worthy songs and I've written garbage."

You finished eating quietly while they talked shop. Pretty soon everyone had finished eating but they'd gone deep into their discussion. You'd started tuning them out, and finally stood clearing the table. You made several trips back and forth to the kitchen ignoring them.

"Jay B offered to help but I feel bad, I think he kind of blames me for the disband."

"I've got some beats I set aside because Kook wasn't ready to use them, you could come by my studio and check them out."

"I couldn't ask you to do that."

"If it makes you feel better you can pay me."

When you leaned over Jackson to take his soup bowl his fingers teased up the back of your dress behind your knee. You felt the touch low in your belly, remembering his promise from earlier that your late afternoon sex wasn't the last.

"Let's go to the living room, I'll do the dishes later." Jackson smiled letting his fingers brush your panties, two fingers rubbing against your core until you bit your lip.

"Husbands do dishes?" Joon's voice was deep, like he was joking but he was focused on your interaction. He'd pushed back from the table, eyes on Jackson's hand beneath your dress.

Jackson's hand patted your ass and then slid tantalizingly slowly back down your bare legs. He stood linking his fingers through yours and walked you into the living room. When you reached the couch he stopped watching you sit and then took the chair across from you. He crossed one leg over the other and leaned back into the seat comfortably.

"Do you think we should tell Joon that we fucked right there before he arrived?" Jackson was talking to you but looking at Joon who had followed you from the dining room.

Joon sat down on the couch next to you, scooting close until no space separated your bodies. Neither of you responded to Jackson, instead Joon's fingers brushed your hair behind your shoulder then curled around your neck. He leaned in, brushing his lips against the skin of your throat tilting your head to the side and upward.

"Did you enjoy it?" Joon's voice was as light as the touch of his lips against your ear.

Joon didn't let you answer, instead he turned your face with two fingers against your chin and kissed you. His mouth was hot, full lips pressing to yours. His tongue teased against your bottom lip until you opened and he tasted you. His tongue stroked along yours then edged under it tiny touches that left you needy for him.

"Come here baby." Joon pulled back breathing the words, lips to yours then pulled you into his lap. Your legs spread open straddling his wide muscular thighs.

"I bet my wife is already wet for you Joonie." You heard Jackson shift in his seat.

Joon's mouth was dragging kisses along your neck and collarbone, sometimes teeth grazing, sometimes his tongue. Joon took his time, like he was trying to memorize every centimeter of your skin. When his lips met your ear again he whispered so quietly you barely make out the words.

"I missed you." Joon's fingers had tugged your zipper down, a warm glide down your spine as he pulled it open.

You lifted your hands from his chest and allowed a finger to pull the front of your dress down. The purple lingerie you'd chosen revealed as the material pooled at your waist. Joon's hands cupped your breasts pushing them upward, making them look smaller in his large palms. He placed kisses on the exposed skin teeth pulling back the lace to tease his tongue toward your nipple.

You moaned running your fingers through his hair, arching back to press yourself against his mouth. You almost laughed remembering them joking with you about how loud you could be, you knew they were right.

Joon lifted the dress over your head and let it fall to the floor, his eyes gone dark admiring your body. No one was saying anything anymore, the room quiet except for your sighs and the sounds of Joon's exploring mouth.

His mouth was sucking your nipple through the lace, roughing teeth against it, the feeling sharp and making you gasp. You ground yourself downward against his thigh, claiming some friction but his hands grabbed your hips stopping you. His grip was firm, you couldn't have moved if you'd tried, his mouth pinched against you harder, a warning?

"She's always impatient." Jackson laughed low in his throat, the sound a groan and you knew where his hand would be if you turned your head.

You didn't turn your head, instead you started unbuttoning Joon's linen shirt while he switched his attention to your other nipple. Each button revealed more of his tan chest, wide and smooth, pecs rounded, his own nipples small and dark.

When his shirt was unbuttoned completely you pushed it off his shoulders, taking your time to feel the warm skin. He lifted his head, taking your mouth in a fierce unruly kiss that turned the slow burn into flames in your stomach. His hands on your hips lifted you forward until you were crushed against his body and you felt how much he'd missed you.

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