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I couldn’t understand why women were so obsessed with babies. I mean sure they were cute but they were loud and pooped a lot and liked to vomit the food you just spent an hour boiling and blending down for them into your lap. But now El was out of her dark patch she was being a wonderful mum, and Imogen and Nate loved her so much. And if she were feeling broody now, would it ever go away? And if it didn’t she would be on my case forever until I agreed. Also, as I lay and thought about it later that night, I recalled from a book I half read during El’s pregnancy which suggested having children close together so they always had someone around their own age to relate to. I wondered what another child of El’s and mine would look like.

So far Ignatius was adorable, no doubt. He had chubby cheeks and his eyes were a mix of both El’s and mine creating a golden hazel. His skin was sun kissed from El and despite the tiny hearing aids that peeked out from under his dark hair that spun into loose ringlets he was perfect.

“El?” I whisper to her in the dark.

“Uhmm?” she murmurs sleepily.

“I think I wouldn’t object to having another baby” I respond, gazing at the ceiling.

“Oh gosh darling. I’m so happy, thank you” she nuzzles into me dozily, clearly not up for family expansion straight away. I fall asleep dreaming about hundreds of babies that been abandoned and I had to look after all of them. It was almost a nightmare.

The next day I decide to take Nate and visit Noel in his apartment, which he was now living in alone because Callie had gone back to her mothers house for a while. I would have taken Imogen too but Alayna wanted to visit her mum and take her with her so she could ask about bridesmaid dresses for her.

I strap Nate into his car seat and he immediately starts to pull off his shoes and socks and waves them around before tossing them all over the back seat. I sigh and start the car. But the time we reach Noel’s place he has also managed to removed his mittens, hat and was working on his scarf.

Nate, stop it pumpkin. I have to put it all back on again. It’s cold outside. I sign at him. His response is to finally tug off his scarf and wave it at me with a victorious chuckle.

I get out the car and make my way round to his side. I spend the next five minutes redressing him and then finally remove him from his seat and I knock on Noel’s front door. Nate plays with my ear as we wait; his tiny, woolly mittened hands stroking and prodding like a fast moving caterpillar.

The door opens after a minute and Noel appears, looking a little rough and a little surprised so see me no doubt.

“Hey Robin…Err, not sure if this is really a great time” he says running his hand through his hair and staring at Nate.

“Dude, I came for some bro time. Are you really going to say no?” I reason.

“You can come in but I have a friend over” he says quietly and moves aside so I can walk in.

“What’s she called?” I ask. I know he has a girl over because Noel wouldn’t invite a guy over and then be all-uptight about letting me in.


“Okay. I though Callie was suppose to be the one, dude” I walk up the stairs to his living room and find the room to be empty.

“She’s still in bed” he says and glances towards the bedroom door. “Recovering” he adds with a wink and I smile.

I sit on the sofa and take off Nate’s coat while Noel offers me a drink.

“What would you like?”

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now