Mama's Gone? // Part 1

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"Thank you again, Chisaki, for taking care of Izuku. Working double-shifts haven't been so easy on me recently.."
Inko bowed to the Yakuza captain, smiling.
"It's never a problem Ms. Midoriya. I'm always so.. happy to see little Izuku here."
The little boy stared up at the both of them in wonder. Normally Inko had never needed a babysitter, as Hisashi was always there, but one night he had disappeared, and Inko had gone through multiple babysitters. 
Why did she need so many different ones for this simple-minded, young child?
His quirk.
It had developed a few months ago, and it was found out when he had accidentally stolen a quirk from the babysitter, which he had also, later that day, given to Inko.
Upon this record, each babysitter has become too paranoid to be close to the child, resulting them to quit.
Chisaki, however. He seemed to get along with Izuku..

"Well! I better be off! Mama will be back soon Zuzu!"
She gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, before turning and leaving, Mimic being a very angry guide back to the exit.
Kai reached out and wiped the boys forehead, noting that he would have to bathe him later. He didn't want him to carry on any germs from that woman, unpure.
"Zuzu, want to go and play in the spare room? I can go get Setsuno or Nemoto to play with you while I attend to some business."
He looked directly down at the short boy and, despite knowing the freckles were apart of Izuku's natural appearance, couldn't help but scratch at them as if they were specks of annoying dirt.
"Rappa's out right now, and Chronos will be with me."
Midoriya nodded, before grabbing Overhauls gloved hand and taking lead, knowing what play room to go to. Chisaki just watched in amusement, following behind the enthusiastic boy. Such a granted quirk.. even if he was unpure because of this power, he could become the cure.
The cure to this disease, which caused hero syndrome. Made him sick thinking about it.

Chisaki was shaken out of his thoughts by Izuku who, being short, couldn't quite reach the door handle. He laughed and opened it for the boy to enter, excitedly dancing around.
That was Nemoto's nickname, of course he had a nickname for everybody. Rappa, however, sadly influenced Midoriya's choice in Overhauls nickname, and was called Overshit quite often, the boy not knowing what it meant.
"I'll go get him. Stay here."
I pointed at him, in which he sat like an obedient pet. Chisaki, knowing he shouldn't run late to his meeting, grabbed Nemoto without any further words and transported the confused villain to Izuku's room, where he was met with a green-haired boy playing around with a figurine of All Might.. right, they had to get rid of that soon. He shouldn't be influenced by such sicknesses.

A few hours went by, with Rappa coming after around 2 and playing with Izuku, until the boy got tired and just went on to ride on the villains back straight into Overshits office, screaming for a dual.
Now the tired, 4 year old boy rested on the small bed in the room.

Inko was led into a small room, commonly used for interviews. Sitting in the couch in front of her was Chisaki, adjusting his gloves.
"Ah, Chisaki. Where's Izuku?"
She stepped forward, dropping her arms tiredly from working.
"About him. He'll be staying with me."
He glared up at her, locking eyes with her confused ones. One look could tell that he was serious. Deathly serious.
"What? You can't take him!"
She dropped the satchel wrapped around her shoulder in fear. Fear of losing Izuku, her sunshine. The Yakuza boss sighed, before standing up, approaching her slowly.
"I can, and I will. I need him.. he's been trained so perfectly, so I thank you, but you are no longer needed."
He lifted his hand up to her face, Inko deathly still.
"And, well, what's the use of keeping some old toy? We should just.. throw it away."
She exploded into blood cells all around him, in which he stepped back in obvious disgust.
"What a revolting, unpure being. Clean up this mess, and Chronos, get Midoriya. We'll have to explain to him the sad news of how his mother left him for the dead."
With that, Overhaul and Chronos walked together to the play room, where they found Midoriya and Nemoto reading a hero comic together. At the moment the door opened, the Yakuza villain slammed the comic down, fearing what would happen if Chisaki noticed he was showing off more of the 'hero sickness'.
The young boy looked up in excitement, bouncing up.
"Is mama back? I wanna tell her about how we beat Overshit in a dual!"
He leapt at Overhaul, jumping into his arms excitedly. Chisaki, rather unpleased by the sudden weight in his already sore arms, gave him to Chronos.
"About that.. we need to tell you something, Zuzu."
The boy frowned slightly, his smile wearing off. Had mama not come back yet?
As he was carried around the hallways, he would wave at every random passing member, even if it were the ever-so grumpy Mimic, or a random Yakuza thug.
He was set down on a couch, causing him to glance around in wonder. Mama wasn't here..
His head snapped back to the situation quickly when his nickname was called. Overhaul readied himself, before announcing, as if he had said it so many times before.
"Your mama sent us a message from a little bird. She says she don't want you anymore, and won't come back. She said your quirk was a curse. A problem, so she's leaving you."
The boy slowly hang his head, shaking as tears ran down his face.
"M-mama doesn't want m-m-me? My q-quirk.."
He opened his palms slowly, realizing what she meant. Chronos slowly pat the young boys back, before signalling for Overhaul to explain the next part.
"We can't watch you suffer and go onto the streets so.. Zuzu, would you join us? We don't think your quirk is a curse. More.. a gift. Something that could help us very dearly."
He looked up, sniffling as more tears threatened to spill. This clearly caught the four year olds attention.
"I could h-help? I help Overshit?"
"You can just call me Bubba, not.. Overshit."
He nodded, before leaning into Chronos patting slowly.
"Okay. I help.."
Chisaki smirked under his mask, thrilled for what was to come. He could finally start his plan! However, he had to take it slow. He couldn't instantly start drawing blood, no no, he needed to get Izuku used to the place, and finally ask if he could.
"Yes, you'll be great help."
He then looked the child up and down slowly, his eyes showing small tints of disgust.
"But first, you need a bath. Who knows how many germs that poor woman has given you.."

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