Romantic Soul and Kissing Sunset

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Elizabeth pov

The next day at work me and y/n stayed extra close to each other and at lunch time we sat on the steps coming up with a plan for what to do after work ended. I had informed Paula to pick me up two hours after wok ended so I could have some time with y/n as a mini date. 

"You know the town better then I do," I admit to the girl besides me. She was leaning on my shoulder a bit and since the weather was a bit colder then it had been the last few days her body heat was comforting and warm. It also made red roses of blush appear on my face. 

"I guess, Oh I have an idea of where we should go, It's a special place that I found awhile ago when I was really young and I think you'll find it really pretty." Announces y/n standing up to show that the conversation was over and she had decided on where we should go. 

"Sounds good to me, but for now we've got work to do and I want to finish some more doll dresses." I say pushing the stores door open for y/n to enter. 

Throughout the rest of the day me and y/n swapped places at the counter and either the sewing machine or the doll making studio which was located in the back room of the store. Currently I was assisting a mother who had come to the store looking for the perfect gift for her daughter who's birthday was approaching. I had been pointing out dolls that matched the description of what the woman was looking for when y/n came out with a completed doll in hand she was about to set it on the shelf when the woman stared at the doll who had clothing made my me. A silk pink and blue dress with beautiful fringe. The dolls face had a cheerful smile on it and in her black hair lay a hair band with hearts on it. 

"This one is perfect how much does it cost?" the mother asked. 

"14 dollars," I state giving y/n a quick smile. She returned the smile then handed the doll to the woman as she fished in her wallet for the money to pay for the doll. 

"Can I get a bag for you?" y/n asked in the voice she reserved for customers only. The woman shook her head a few times and bowed in thanks for the doll flashing me and y/n a quick smile and then with that she left. 

At the end of the work day I helped y/n close the store and once everything was locked up and we were standing on the steps again she took my hand squeezing gently. 

"Let's get going I don't want to miss the sunset or else it would ruin the scenery." she said tugging at my arm and beginning to fast walk down the pavement. I follow close behind her and before I know it the two of us are walking through a park and heading into a clump of creepy looking trees. 

"Are you sure about this y/n?" I question the smallest prick of fear tracing my tone. She turned to me a playful smile dancing on her delicate and beautiful face. 

"Yep, don't be scared alright Lizzy, we're almost there," she says giggling to herself. I nod and the two of us continue on through the woods. Another three minutes pass and we finally break through the trees and there is a clearing that overlooks a cliff where the sun has just begun to set . Rocks in the shape of chairs are in a circle. 

"Come on let's watch the sun set Lizzy!" she says going to the chair rocks and standing on it lifting me onto it next to her. We lean against each other watching as the sun begins to set. Just before the sun is completely gone y/n turns to me. 

"Can we kiss?" she asks in a small voice. Her shyness is foreign to me but I quickly recover and nod as we both lean into each other our lips just barely pecking each other. When we pull apart from each other we're both smiling from ear to ear at each other. 

"I'm so glad that I met you Lizzy,"

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