Sad Soul and Helping Her

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Elizabeth pov

The next morning I head down to get Paula. I wanted to go out to town for breakfast then look for the girl and her shop. I wore simple clothing, a long dress with a light brownish pink sash that was tied in a huge bow behind me. Paula did my hair the normal way and then we set off in a carriage to the town. 

For breakfast the two of us sat down in a café with the most wonderful bread cream filled whatever there called. 

"Croissants," Paula said smiling at me. I nod, taking anther bite of the cream filled croissant. 

When we were done eating we excused ourselves and Paula paid the bill for the meal easily and in no time the two of were walking down the street reading each sign carefully to see if there was a doll shop. After about fifteen minutes of walking the two of us come across an alleyway that breaks off from the rest of the street.  A sign with the words, 'Doll Maker,' on it. I point and Paula guides me into the store. The door bell jingles and at the front desk was a girl, the same girl with e/c and h/c. The girl was surrounded by the dolls similar to the ones she had been selling the day before. 

"Welcome to-" the girl at the front counter stopped abruptly staring at me and Paula. She obviously remembered the two of us and that excited me. I prance up to her and lay my hands the counter. 

"Hi again!" I say excitedly. She take a step away from the counter and stares at me with wide eyes. I look down at myself wondering I looked silly or my hair was out of place. Nothing was wrong, her expression was just, curious. 

"Is the doll I sold to you yesterday not to your liking?" the girl asked. 

"No, I love the doll!" I respond quickly realizing she had only been nervous about me. She sighed and walked back over to the counter setting her hands down only inches from my own. I don't know why the feeling of her hands near me made my stomach do a flip flop. Maybe it was her h/c that seemed to look perfect at the moment or maybe it was her e/c eyes. They seemed so full of emotion. In glance at the closest doll and saw that the same energy and emotion wasn't there. 

"This doll is so cute!" I say going over to it and holding it up for the girl to see. 

"It's a failed attempt. Just like the one you bought yesterday," she mumbled. 

"What do you mean by 'failed attempt' these dolls are fantastic!" I say bringing the doll over. It had dark creamy brown skin the color of chocolate. The dolls hard was black and curly. It lay down the girls back and the eyes were a deep brown that almost looked black but not quite. The dolls face was droopy in a way but it seemed as though the doll was simply tired or something. 

"I can't exactly convey emotions on dolls." she says. 

"Why is that a problem? The dolls are still beautiful and all," I say not getting the doll makers point. 

"The dolls are nothing more then soulless hunks of plastic and porcelain." she said throwing her hands up in the air. It came across as hard for me to believe that a highly active and really emotionally girl who have such trouble labeling the emotions on the dolls she created with such care. 

"Is there anything I could do to help you with making the dolls less emotionless looking to you?" I say secretly wishing that I was able to help. She paused and thought for a minute. After a few minutes of silence she smiled sweetly at me showing off beautiful teeth. 

"There is one thing that would really help me out," she said. 

"And that thing is?" I question bouncing on my heels. 

"Of course I'll pay you to do this but maybe some help in the shop. You can also help me with the dolls if you'd like." she says. 

"You don't need to pay me, I've got all the money in the world." I say. 

"I'm Elizabeth Midford but please just call me Lizzy," I say. her jaw hangs slightly open. She recovers quickly from realizing who I am. 

"I'm Y/n," y/n smiled. 

"I'll be back here tomorrow to help you y/n!"

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