I nodded and took a sip of my latte. "He is, isn't he?"

"Rollica!" Brie exclaimed.

I smiled and looked down at my coffee. AJ put the rose down by my cup and I picked it up. I sighed as I breathed in its scent. I could smell a little bit of Seth's cologne along with it.

"She's marking out!" Nikki pointed out.

"Post this on Twitter. I wanna see what the fans can come up with!" AJ suggested.

I laughed and took out my phone. "Good thinking, Lee."

I snapped the picture and shared it on Twitter. I also snapped a picture of the note, but added a blur to Seth's name.

"What should I put the caption as?" I asked.

"Early morning treat from my secret admirer." Brie suggested.

"Then put #Rollica." Nikki added.

"That's gonna give it away, Nicole!" Natalya said.

"So?" She said.

I rolled my eyes and wrote the caption but without the Rollica thing. I set my phone down just as the girls took out their own phones.

"I'm favoriting." AJ said.

"Me too." Natalya agreed.

"We're reposting." Brie mentioned.

"Don't forget to replying as well!" Nikki added.

Soon enough, my phone was exploding with favorites and retweets. I scrolled at all the comments and laughed at some.

"What do they say?" AJ asked anxiously.

"Rollica! Rollica! Rollica!" I read one aloud.

"Also, one said: Is it Seth?! It's got to be Seth! I'm freaking out because I don't know if it's Seth or not!!!" I recited.

"Did Seth say anything?" Brie asked.

"No, not- Forget it. He just favorited-and retweeted." I replied with a laugh.

"He replied too!!" Nikki pointed out on her phone.

I looked at it and it said: 'Ooh. I wonder who.. ;)'

"He's such a dork." I said with a chuckle.

"But he's your dork." Natalya added.

"Yeah. I guess he is." I muttered to myself.

"You and Seth are so perfect for each other. I can't imagine seeing you guys not together." AJ commented.

"Neither can I." I agreed.



I was working out at gym a few hours after breakfast with the girls. I was about to start lifting weights but someone interrupted me.

"Erica!" AJ yelled as she walked toward me. Nikki, Brie, and Natalya were all behind her with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah?" I said and before I knew it I was being engulfed in a big group hug.

"What's going on?" I asked suspiciously.

"Why didn't you tell us that you and Seth kissed?!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Sh*t." I muttered. "How'd you guys find out?"

"Instagram and Twitter!" Brie said and shoved her phone in my face.

A Sellout's Heart Where stories live. Discover now