Episode 6 (3)

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"I thought you said it was safe?" Theresa commented, her eyes tightened together as the two shut their door. 

"I've been here before," Magnes said, shaking her head in disbelief, "But I didn't recognize that man. Usually the people here are nice." 

Theresa chuckled to herself, though she was anything but amused. "Nice my ass." 

The princess sat on her bed and tugged off her shoes, unsure of whether she should be angry or frightened. Her hands shook and it made it difficult to pull her hair back out of its messy braid for another night's sleep. She took several deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying to rid of the immense fright she felt. Her mind recounted the experience over and over, how his hand encompassed her entire wrist and she felt helpless against him, how he couldn't take no for an answer and seemingly didn't see the clear fear she'd worn in her eyes. It horrified her to wonder what would have happened if he were allowed to continue, but she stopped herself from thinking about it more with a harsh groan as she threw herself under the covers of the bed, burying her face in the pillow. 

Magnes watched the girl with pity, noticing the soft shivers running up and down her body. "...You okay?"

"Fine." The princess said without so much as a glance in the bandit's direction. It was clear she wasn't, but Magnes didn't know how to approach the situation. She instead sat down on her bed, leaning against the wall and grabbing her dagger from her boot, where she'd put it before heading into the tavern. 

"I'll take first watch, then." She said, fiddling with the blade in boredom. As her gaze flicked to the side she watched Theresa's shoulders relax some, which brought a soft smile to the bandit's face. 


Theresa woke once more with a start, jolting upward with a crash on the floor, the lantern smashing from it's stand on the table. Eyes wide and adrenaline rushing through her veins, she jumped up from the covers and over to the far wall, watching the scene in front of her. 

Magnes was fallen over her bed, fending off a large silhouette with Theresa's sword. Blood spilled from her forehead as she gritted her teeth, grunting and groaning as the two moved about, slamming into different pieces of furniture with blades clanging against each other. 

Theresa felt a scream crawl its way up her throat, but she stifled it back down quickly as she attempted to find a way to help. The dagger Magnes had. Where had it gone? Theresa quickly looked around the now dark room and found the blade shining against the soft moonlight seeping through the window. She dove for it, trying not to be seen as the man punched Magnes in the gut, causing her to yelp. The dagger was right in Theresa's range when she felt a large mass knock her to the ground, falling down onto the hard stone inn floor and banging her head against one of the nearby walls. 

Everything spun for a few minutes, Theresa's eyes fluttering open and closed as her heartbeat jolted up into her head, creating massive bursts of pain. Her head fell back onto the wall for support as she felt her body, for a moment not in her control, sink to the ground. Distantly she could hear Magnes' cries but they felt like second-hand sounds echoing as memories in her brain, broken shards of reality piercing her consciousness. There on the floor every sense of urgency seemed to fall away into a dark abyss, but as the screams faded out of perspective they started getting louder and more panicked. 

Theresa willed herself out of unconsciousness as she turned and shifted to stay awake. Her head spun like whirlwinds around itself and she felt like she was lolling to the side again, only grasping for the floor just in time to keep herself on all fours. The dagger she had clung in her hand was skidded far out of reach across the room, so instead Theresa watched the horrifying scene still playing out. Magnes was obviously losing the fight, the man had pinned one of her arms to the ground as he raced for the upper hand, raising his sharp blade preparing to send it down into the girl. The only thing blocking it was Theresa's sword in the bandit's hands, held upward defensively but weakly shaking after every blow. 

The princess stood on wobbly legs, willing herself to do something to aid the girl pinned under the monstrous man. Magnes caught her eye as she was looking frantically about, staring at her as indication of something. Theresa stood in wait. Magnes turned back to the drunkard over her and pushed with the rest of her strength against the man's blade, knocking him a little ways away before dropping her sword on the ground and skidding it over to Theresa. Distracted with the rage he felt towards the bandit, the man didn't notice the skidded sword quickly raising from behind him before it was plunged into his back, right through the heart. 

He stopped before he could do anything, dropping his sword as his last ounces of strength seeped through the sword impaled in his back. His eyes grew wide but very slowly relaxed, mouth hanging open with the last slivers of pain he felt before crashing onto the floor next to the bed, overtop of Magnes. The girl gasped and held out her arms to keep his body away from her, allowing Theresa to push him to the side with the sword stuck in him. 

The two breathed heavily as silence reigned in the room once more, and Theresa could see the weary look in her companion's eyes, the blood still falling from her forehead. Magnes pressed a hand against her wound and drew it back, shaking as she gazed at the blood. Still dizzy, Theresa quickly moved towards the bed and drew out a blanket, ripping part of it with her bare hands to put over Magnes' injury.

"Are you alright?" Theresa asked as she bent over the girl, eyes switching between Magnes' wound and her brown eyes, concern piercing her expression. The bandit nodded as she panted, gaze wandering around the room for more threats. "What happened, Magnes?"

"He broke down the door." She said between breaths, "The same guy from downstairs." 

Fear strode into Theresa's thoughts as she was forced to replay the past events, glad she knew they were over now. "I thought you'd locked the door." 

The girls turned toward the door, Theresa glancing at the hinges. It was easy to tell the door had been kicked in. 

"I kept yelling at him to go away but he didn't listen. I think I angered him more." Magnes' gaze faded lower in shame, as if she was partly guilty for the attack. 

"It's alright." Theresa said as she finished tying the cloth around the bandit's head. "It's over now." 

Neither wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room, the dead body pooling blood onto the dirty inn floor next to them. Soon, though, their gazes wandered to the man. 

"What do we do about him?" Magnes fretted, noticing the bigger mess strewn out that would be nearly impossible for the two to clean up. 

Theresa thought for a moment, still panting. "We run."

Before long they were packed up and ready to head down towards the tavern below, both girls less than ecstatic to approach the hostile environment again. They could only hope that at such early hours of the morning most of the men would have gone home. 

That was, in fact, true, when as they hurried down the stairs they noticed the calm silence of the cleaned bar, tables perfectly wiped and counter empty of drink glasses. It was clear that the bartender had gone home as well, and glad there was no confrontation needed, the two swept out of the tavern. 

Before they left, though, Theresa searched her pockets for the coins she had brought with her on the journey. She found the meager amount and placed them on the countertop for the bartender as a thanks for defending them the night before. Hopefully he knew what they were meant for. 

They left the tavern quickly after that, Magnes leading Theresa to the stables where Saorsa was kept in her pen, munching away at old fruits in a wooden box next to her. As Theresa fiddled with the lock, Magnes watched with sincerity, her voice low. "I'm sorry for taking us here." 

The princess stopped for a moment, sighing. "You're right. There wasn't another option." She turned her head to smile with pity upon the still injured Magnes, who lowered her gaze. Theresa turned back to what she was doing. 

She unlocked the pen and hopped on the horse while Magnes guided her out, both girls cringing at the loud clops of hooves on the cobblestone road. As soon as they were out, Magnes disappeared into the stable again, Theresa confused as to what the bandit was doing. A few moments later she reappeared with a horse of her own, smiling to the princess confidently. 

"We'll make faster time if we're both on horses." Magnes responded to the questionable look on Theresa's face. There wasn't time to argue, so instead the girl just rolled her eyes as a reply and the two headed off, the nearing sunrise falling upon their faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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