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T.W.: major c!death

Tommy stared at the compass in his hand. Your disk, it said. Dream was giving him a chance to get his final disk back.

Tommy quickly looked in his enderchest, finding Cat safe in there. He straightened up. One final battle for Mellohi.

The boy sighed, hefting the Axe of Peace. One final battle.

"Tommy?" Phil asked as he walked outside, "where are you going?"

Tommy paused, "Dream. I'm getting my disk back."

"Oh!" Phil's wings tensed behind him, "well, be careful. You know how Dream is, and you're on your final life."

"I'll be careful, I promise." Tommy gave him a smile, "besides, Techno's been training me, I can take him."

Phil shook his head, but couldn't keep the smile off his face, "alright mate, stay safe."

"I will." Tommy nodded.

With that, Tommy took out the compass and started walking. He walked for a while until he made it to a large span of water. Tommy frowned as he boated through the water. It was lonelier that he thought it would be. Just the silence and the soft lap of waves.

Soon, a huge mountain loomed in the distance. The compass pointed to the very top of it. Tommy frowned. It was going to be a long climb.

So Tommy started. It was hard, the steep cliffs making it difficult to move. One slip could mean the end.

Tommy paused about halfway through to breath. He turned to face the sun. It Wes setting, casting golden light across his face, the stone, even the very air.

Then Tommy continued. Up the sheer cliff up to the top where he pulled himself up to stand across the plateau from Dream.

"Dream." Tommy said.

The mask tilted, "Tommy."

"Where's my disk." Tommy took a step forward.

"I may have it " Dream shrugged, "or I may not."

"Do you have it in you right now?" Tommy asked.

"I might." Dream said, "Let's have a- Let's have a- Let's have a conversation-"

"No!" Tommy yelled, "no more talking!"

Dream dodged Tommy's swing, "come on, let's talk! How was your trip here?"

"Give me my disk." Tommy demanded.

Dream seemed to smile, "this disk?"

He flashed Mellohi in the air between them. Tommy's breath hitched.

"Give me my disk!" Tommy yelled.

"Or what?" Dream said, lighting a fire next to him, "you have no power here."

Tommy gasped through his teeth, "don't you dare!"

Dream hummed, placing a jukebox and putting out the fire, "okay."

Dream put the disk in, letting the haunting melody fill the air. Tommy dashed forward, trying to get the disk, but he was stopped by Dream.

It was silent as they fought one another. The only sounds were of their weapons clashing and the dull thunk of one of them hitting a shield.

After a while, Dream got tired of their backs and forth. He twisted around, grabbing the disk and holding it over a new fire he lit.

"Tommy, Tommy! Stop!" Dream yelled, making the boy pause, "stop or the disk burns!"

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