
2K 101 44

T.W.: character deaths, blood

"Hey Ponk!" Tommy smiled as he walked up to the man.

Ponk turned, waving at the boy as he approached, "oh, hi Tommy! What brings you here?"

Tommy shrugged, the smile slipping from his face, "I just... After Ranboo died I've been feeling... Angry and all fuckin mixed up. Walking helps."

"Oh..." Ponk's shoulders slumped, "I'm... I'm really sorry about Ranboo. Sam crossed a line."

"Yeah, he did." Tommy said.

"How's Tubbo taking it?" Ponk asked, "I know you all were close."

"Yeah." Tommy nodded, "Tubbo finally got out of bed yesterday and had breakfast with us."

"Oh! That's good!" Ponk perked up.

Tommy smiled lightly, "yeah. We're all trying to move forward."

Ponk sighed softly, "I'm glad."

"Well, except for me." Tommy shrugged.

Ponk looked at the boy, "what do you mean?"

"I want revenge!" Tommy summoned his axe and swung it down hard on Ponk.

"TOMMY!?" Ponk screamed in confusion and pain as the Axe of Peace lodged itself in his chest.

Tommy wrenched the axe out. Ponk tried to run, but before he could take a step, Tommy swung the axe down on his back. Ponk gasped out in pain and shock. His body slowly disappeared.

Ponk was slain by Tommyinnit using [Axe of Peace]

Tommy straightened up, wiping some blood off his face. Ponk would respawn and come back here to collect his things. And no doubt Sam would come running as well. Tommy glared at the horizon. Good. He wanted Sam to watch Ponk die.

The boy sat back against some stone, his axe leaning on his shoulder. He waited for Sam and Ponk. His face held no expression. A perfect mask.

"Tommy!?" Sam yelled running up to the boy, "what are you doing!?"

Tommy's eyes flicked up and he snarled, "you killed Ranboo."

Sam sighed, "Tommy, I had to. You didn't have to kill Ponk!"

Tommy stood up quickly, "you killed an innocent bystander! One of my best friends! Tubbo can barely get out of bed because of you!"

"That still doesn't mean you can kill Ponk!" Sam shouted back.

Tommy stepped up to the creeper-hybrid, "Watch me. You made my life hell. You let me fucking die! You let Dream escape! You killed Ranboo! I will make you suffer as I have."

Tommy pulled out his bow, and in a split second aimed and released the arrow straight into Ponk's chest.

"Tommy stop!" Sam yelled, grabbing the boy.

Tommy swung out at Sam with his axe, breaking out of his grip with ease, "YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND AND NOW I'LL KILL YOURS!"

"Tommy no!" Sam screamed as the boy let another arrow fly, "PONK!"

Ponk was shot by Tommyinnit

Tommy looked down at the creeper hybrid. Sam was on his knees on shock. How could Tommy have done something like this?

"You know," Tommy started, "he would still have another life if it weren't for you."

Sam felt sick. Ponk was dead. Completely dead. And the revival book was gone. There was no getting him back.

Tommy walked away, still covered in Ponk's blood. He didn't care who saw him. Sam deserved to feel this pain.

The blonde walked back down the prime path. It was empty as always. Tommy walked past McPuffys, seeing Bad sitting alone drinking something. He passed his old house. It was starting to fall apart.

He paused by his house. Just to his left was L'manburg. The crater he help make. Before he knew what he was doing, he was walking towards it.

Phil had told him that it had become overgrown. That he built a memorial bridge over it, connecting to the last remaining bit of what survived Doomsday.

Tommy brushed his hand over the smooth railing. He had to admit, it was beautiful. All the way down to bedrock, grass and mushrooms had grown over.


The boy looked up to find Tubbo. The goat boy looked at Tommy with wide eyes.

Tommy one what he must look like. Covered in someone else's blood. His axe also stained red. He must look crazy, or terrifying. Tommy didn't blame Tubbo for being so shocked.

"Tommy what did you do?" Tubbo whispered.

Tommy turned his gaze back to the crater, "I'm getting my revenge."

I'm The Villain This Time!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें