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"Are you sure you want to come Tommy?" Techno asked, putting soulsand and wither skulls in his enderchest.

Tommy nodded silently. He hadn't been able to sleep that night, instead going and grinding sand and creepers to make a few stacks of TNT. The boy checked through his armor, making sure they were full durability.

"Hey mate." Phil walked into Tommy's house, "how are you holding up?"

Tommy shrugged, "I'll be fine."

"Even with Dream being there?" Phil asked, glancing at the faded smiley face scar.

Tommy's grip tightened on the Axe of Peace, "yeah."

"Dream's goin to be meeting us here soon to go over the plan." Techno told them.

"He better have my fuckin disk." Tommy crossed his arms.

There was a knock at the door. The three fell silent. Techno moved to the door, opening it to reveal Dream.

Techno smiled, "welcome to the Arctic Dream."

"Thank you." Dream said as he stepped in, "its, uh, nice."

"Hello." Phil gave him a small nod.

"Philza." Dream returned the nod, "Tommy."

The boy briefly met Dream's gaze, "I'm only doing this for my disks."

Dream's mask tilted slightly, "are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Tommy snapped, "why else would I blow up L'manburg!?"

Dream raised his hands in surrender, "okay! No need to get so angry with me."

Tommy glared at the mask, "I have every reason to be angry with you Dream. Don't you fucking-!"

"Tommy!" Dream interrupted, "remember who still has your disks."

Tommy's expression morphed from anger to fear. That's right. Dream still held all the power.

"Alright!" Dream turned to address everyone, "so I've set up TNT dupes all above L'manburg, but I need to finish off the redstone. So you three are in charge of distracting everyone so I can complete it."

"So, uh, when do I get to set off the withers?" Techno asked.

Dream shrugged, "any time you want."

Techno laughed lightly, "perfect."

"What time are we heading off?" Phil asked.

Dream hummed, "soon. It's almost 3. You and Techno can get a head start, I know you have a lot of dogs to get through the portal."

"Alright." Techno nodded, "hey Phil, wanna help me out?"

Phil laughed, moving towards the door, "sure mate."

The two left, leaving just Dream and Tommy in the house. Tommy turned to head up to his room, uncomfortable with the man standing in his home, but Dream grabbed his arm.

"Dream-!" Tommy yelped.

"Tommy, I don't know why you chose your disks over your friend," Dream's grip tightened on his arm, "but just remember that I'm always watching you."

Tommy winced and ripped his arm away, "Fuck off Dream. Techno is my friend. I'm not going to betray him."

Dream hummed, "I'll keep that in mind. Come on. It's time to go."

The masked man turned and walked out of Tommy's house. Tommy didn't want to follow him, but he forced his legs to move out the door, across the deck, and into the snow. Phil came up to him, fluffing his wings slightly. Tommy could see where the explosions had burned away the feathers, leaving twisted scars, before his feathers settled and covered them again.

"Hey mate." Phil smiled.

"Hello Phil." Tommy said.

Phil hummed, looking back at the two houses, "you know, after L'manburg is destroyed, I won't have anywhere to stay. Techno invited me to stay here."

"Really!?" Tommy perked up, "You're going o be moving to the Arctic!?"

Phil laughed, "probably! And Ranboo's having a bit of a hard time in L'manburg still, so I was thinking he could come too."

Tommy groaned, "oh, why Ranboo!?"

"Oh, you'll be fine." Phil told him, "Maybe you'll even make a friend."

"But with Ranboo?" Tommy asked.

"Yes." Phil rolled his eyes.

The two approached the portal. Techno was still struggling to get all of his dogs through the portal. Most of them were through a this point, but the ones remaining looked to be driving Techno and Dream insane.

"Just get your dogs through Techno!" Dream yelled.

"I'm tryin!" Techno yelled back, laughter in his voice as he seemed to like making Dream mad.

"Hurry up!" Dream told him, "we're going to be late!"

Techno looked up, "Phil! Can you help get all the dogs through?"

Philza laughed, "sure mate."

"Tommy," Techno turned to the boy, "you can go ahead. Just don't do anything risky."

"Okay." Tommy nodded, taking a few dogs through the portal to help.

Then Tommy started walking towards L'manburg. The nether was a mess. The paths were damaged and twisting, but eventually Tommy made it to the portal.

He stared up at the swirling purple. This was the last time he was going to see L'manburg. It all ends today.

Tommy took a deep breath as he stepped through the portal. He felt the world pull and distort before he stepped out into the overworld.

The broken community house loomed in the distance. Tommy made his way around it, not wanting to be caught so soon. He walked the prime path to L'manburg and the entire SMP seemed like a ghost town.

Eventually, Tommy made it to L'manburg. We looked over the buildings as he stood in the shadow of the obsidian TNT duplicators. And out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the van.

Tommy walked down to the van. All the memories flooded back. Wilbur showing him the first van, the foundation of L'manburg, Eret's betrayal, Schlatts death. Tommy pressed the button to open the door, walking into the van. He turned the corner and froze.

Tubbo was there.

The boys stared at each other for a moment. They didn't know what to say. Tommy, who was in a full Arctic Empire ensemble, complete with a red cape, and Tubbo, who was wearing his presidential suit, both stood at the place where it all started.

Tubbo straightened up, "Hello..."

"Hey..." Tommy whispered back.

Tubbo looked out the window, "so it's all over today, isn't it."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement. He knew there was nothing left to do.

"Yeah." Tommy gazed out the window as well.

Tubbo sighed, "I think it's for the better this way, you know? I was never a president, let alone a good one. I don't know why Wilbur... Anyway, I hope... I hope after all this, we can still..?"

Tubbo looked up at the blonde. Tommy sighed.

"It's over Tubbo." Tommy said, "but... I wish you luck on whatever's next for you."

Tommy's com buzzed. Tubbo smiled softly.

"I guess that's your cue to go." Tubbo told him.

"Yeah." Tommy nodded.

Tubbo sighed, walking past Tommy and out the door, "I'll see you later then, okay?"

Tommy nodded, "yeah. I'll see you later."

Tubbo froze, then turned around, "one more thing! Friend is in Phil's house, get them to safety first?"

Tommy gave his old friend a smile, "sure thing boss man."

Tubbo nodded, then walked back towards the Greater SMP. Tommy sighed softly. One last walk through L'manburg to Phil's house. Then, it would be over.

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