ו𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉•×

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When I woke up, I wasn't in my room. "where am I? " I tell myself. The room was white, and there was a bed. The room looked luxurious. "Wow!" I sat there contemplating what was happening and, of course, I searched for my phone that was nowhere to be found and then I went into panic mode when suddenly someone entered. She was a blonde girl with short hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a pajama... then she says "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" I stand there trying to say something but nothing was coming out then she started making her way near me... Then I started praying, 'Dear God, I'm too young to die' then I say "I don't know what happen I was sleeping in my room then kaboom magically I'm here" and then she says "and you seriously want me to believe that?" and I say "yes I know it sounds stupid but believe me why would I come here and how I don't even know where I am"

She stands there examining me, then she speaks "follow me" without complaining, I follow her "Oh my gosh wow this house is wonderful" and I was not joking. This house smells like rich nahh and I'm not even exaggerating

Some minutes later of walking an infinite walk, my gosh, we arrived in the... kitchen? yah to the kitchen don't ask me, why but her cook was cooking some breakfast and the scent of the breakfast smelled like rich people's food "sit" she says don't have to tell me twice as I seat and the maid bring some food, I stare at the food and it looks good but you know my trust issues after reading Wattpad are high... I kinda think she understood because she took the Nutella omelet and eat it "satisfied there is no poison inside" so I started eating some minutes later she says "I believe you... why would you enter inside this house with a pajama-" then I interrupt her "oh thank God you need to-" "I didn't finish talking" then I immediately shut "You know you couldn't possibly enter this house anyway there are 10 guards there, there and there" she showed with her finger and each room have a camera only my room doesn't I asked the security if they have seen anyone enter and they said no I checked the camera and you were not there so the right question is: who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"So, as I said before, I don't know why I'm here. I was sleeping in my sweet warm room, then kaboom. I was here... oh, and I'm Sara. I am 23 and I study at a University In Italy. I work at a design place, but I'm just a trainee. But anyway, can I ask where I am, who are you and what work do you do? You emanate rich literally."

She stares at me and then some minute later speaks "you are in New York City and I am Sofia De Santis. strangely, you don't know me. I'm a millionaire model, oh and I'm Italian too "

Then we stop talking, and there is silence. There is so much silence that I could hear my heart and any other sound. Then she says "What do you think you are going to do about you not knowing what to do if you want you can stay here till when you understand what happened... how did you magically come here and why here?"

OH MY, GOD, the Pink diamond was not normal, then I hear my internal voice saying "well no shit sherlock," haha how funny anyway "I remember yesterday someone lost a diamond, then I picked it up. The diamond was shiny and pink then I waited for the person to come back but he didn't come back and it was starting to be late so I got home and put the diamond next to me on my bedside table then I slept and when I woke up magically I was here"

"So, of course, you are here because of the pink diamond... cool," yeah as my brain said no shit sherlock " anyway, what's the time and date and year" "3 march,2024 and the time is... 9:40 am" oh well nice to know I'm not in the future maybe I could use her phone to call "can I use your phone to call, please?" she stares at me and then says "hm yeah, but if I find something wrong in my phone, I'm for sure killing you" I stared at her confused then I gulped then I took her phone and typed my mom's number thank god I remembered it but I actually don't remember my dad phone number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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