"You're fucking pregnant, I knew it. I told you. My heart told me you were pregnant love" The larger boys arms wrapped around me, holding me tighter than I've ever been held by him before. I couldn't believe it. I was still in shock and disbelief. There was absolutely no way this was horrible, it must be wrong.

"I'm pregnant?" I spoke more as a question than a fact, my arms still wrapped around my loves waist lightly. He moved back from my grasp, grabbing the rest he had placed down and handing it to me.

"Pregnant. 5-6 weeks" reading for myself that I was in fact pregnant, when I was so sure was not the case, sent my heart into overdrive. I started to sob within seconds of computing what is happening. I wasn't sad, I was so happy. Considering the shock and the surety that I wasn't, this was a feeling I had never felt.

"We're having a baby, Bunny. Our own baby. I have our baby growing inside of me. I'm so confused, I had my Cycle " I said between sobs, I looked up to Mason who was now teary eyed too. I had never, in all the years of knowing him, he had never ever cried and this was an emotion we had both never felt before. We embraced each other once again, neither of us wanting to let go of this moment. I am pregnant. I was so certain I wasn't pregnant, yet Mason was so sure I was. How did he know.

"I love you Maisie Clarke" Mason let out, holding back the lump in his throat that was so clear in his voice.

"I love you so much more Mason Mount. You're going to be a dad" I smiled so wide at the thought, the sobs had died down yet the tears still fell onto the back of Mason's shoulder where my head was lay. With that sentence the grip around me was released as the boy flew out of the door and I watched him run around the house, he had his shirt that was covering his body now in his hand waving circles above his head as he ran from corner to corner.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAD" The excited man shouted over and over until he was out of breathe and tackled me yet again in a hug, taking us to the sofa and throwing us both down in a fit of laughter. He peppered my face with kisses until he stopped in his position on top of me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You're going to be a mum" he said matter of factly. The words seemed so foreign to me. Me? A mum? Something I never expected to happen so suddenly. I thought parenthood was something to plan, something to be ready for. I was neither ready or planned.

"I'm going to be a Mum" I whispered back, the smile on my face growing as I heard myself say the words. I'm going to be a mum.

"Do you have a bump yet?" With that Mason was pulling up my shirt to inspect my stomach carefully. There definitely wasn't a big bump, but I had noticed I was slightly bloated but nothing massive. The giant hands of Mason's lay on my stomach, covering every inch.

"Hi baby" he whispered, my ears almost missed the words so I simply didn't answer, this was special. I didn't speak. The moment was something unexplainable to the world. A simple two word sentence making my eyes fill with joy and tears. I'm growing a family with the love of my life and he is just as excited as me, if not more. I knew he was the man I wanted to father my children, he was kind, compassionate, loving, hard working and most importantly funny. Everything I wanted in a life partner was right in front of me, and now we are having a baby. This all seemed so surreal.

"I think it's a girl" he suddenly said, putting my shirt back down, lifting my legs up and sitting on the sofa underneath them. I had sat myself up too as we sat close by, watching waves below our Villa crash against rocks as we spoke.

"You always said you wanted a boy" I added. My small hand lay on the top of his thigh that had his grey jogger shorts covered by.

"I don't care now. I am just so excited" as that was the last sentence spoken for a minute or two, our hands found their way back together like a puzzle piece. 

I'm pregnant. It felt special being our little secret, yet so weird to not have my dad here to hear the news. I suppose it will be a nice surprise for him once we are home and can get him a little gift to surprise him. As my dads only child I felt a responsibility, I was his world and nothing would ever replace that. Being able to make him a grandfather, knowing that that's the next big milestone he's waiting for, is the most unbelievable feeling ever.

"What shall we call them?" Mason asked, the smile on his face was unable to be wiped away.

That explains how we spent the next 2 hours on the white couch watching the wild waves outside talking about everything for our future. What our baby would be like, what their names would be, what they would look like and even what they would want to be. It seemed crazy, 6 weeks pregnant and already thinking about what job they will want when they are 18. Mason was set on a girl, I was unsure but to be different I said Boy. We didn't really care but it was fun to guess. Growing up I had always being a real tomboy, I spent most of my days in the farms in the neighbourhood with the other children making mud pies and climbing trees. At home, dad never understood what looked good on little girls so I ended up looking like my outfits were picked from a schools lost property closet. In all old photos I had been dressed in my dads childhood football shirts that had no sponsor on because they were so old and cargo trousers that were 100 sizes too big for me. Fashion was never a strong point for my dad but I'm lucky Mason has good taste in clothes so our child will dress in stylish and comfortable clothing.

I'll say it again. I'm pregnant. That will take some getting used to.

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