It's About To Go Down

Start from the beginning

"Where's the fun in that?" Rose chuckled.  "Arthur can take him easily."

"But...but ain't Cerberus a god?"

"It's hard to say," O'Callaghan offered calmly, watching the fight with bright eyes.  "There are just so many different accounts of what he is.  Sometimes he's depicted as a three headed dog, sometimes he has fifty heads.  Sometimes he's seen with a snake tail and snakes on his back.  Some say he-"

"She didn't ask for a history lesson, O'Callaghan," Lilly interrupted with a bored tone.  "Is Cerberus a god or not?"

"He isn't a god," Hades promptly said behind the girls.  "He's a monster."

The women looked at Hades with confused expressions.  "Um...a monster?" Tilly asked.

"Yes.  He is a breed of monster.  His mother was the serpent woman Echidna and his father was the serpent dragon Typhon, and they were also monsters.  Those two created some of the most fearsome beasts to ever walk the Earth and the Ethereal Realms alike."

Tilly glanced at Cerberus with a gulp.  "Is Cerberus a bad monster?"

Hades blew a raspberry.  "Oh, don't make me laugh, child.  Cerberus is a good dog."  He folded his arms and stroked his chin with a hum as he watched the fight.  "Which is why I'm baffled by his behavior.  He's never pined for a female this much in all the years I've known him."

"But he has pined?" Lilly asked.

"Yes, but nothing that would make him want to quit being my guard dog and end our friendship."

Rose gasped.  "He did that because of me?!" she shrilled, a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh yes," Hades chuckled lightly.  "You left quite the impression on him."

The black haired wolf sighed.  "Alright, I'll put an end tah this," she said before walking through the shield towards Arthur and Cerberus, who were both going at it fiercely.


Apate slowly woke up in bed, the sheets and blankets entangled around her and Carman both.  She grunted as she wiped the sleep from her eyes, then she yawned and stretched her arms.  It was then that Carman raised her head, a sleepy yet contented look on her face as she grinned at her lover.

"Good morning," Carman whispered before kissing Apate's cheek.

"Mmm, good morning," Apate cooed as she wrapped an arm around Carman.  "I trust you slept well, my love?"

"Mmhmm," Carman nodded before yawning and snuggling closer to Apate.  "I guess I just needed to get worn out for a good night's sleep."

Apate wheezed out a laugh as she looked up at the dark canopy of their curtained bed.  "That's all it takes for you to get proper rest.  A good sex session."

"Or several," Carman joked.

With a kiss to Carman's forehead, Apate breathed her scent in.  "I hate fighting with you."

"Me too."

Apate lifted Carman's head by the chin, staring into her eyes.  "I'm sorry, my love.  I know I hurt you, but I would never hurt Olena.  You know that, don't you?"

"Yes," Carman sniffed.  "I'd much rather you take it out on me than on her."

Apate held Carman close and kissed her softly.  "I have some sexual frustrations that I could take out on you," she whispered seductively.

"Oh, do you?" Carman cooed as her hand drifted down Apate's body towards her thighs.

A slow breath escaped Apate and she raised her head back.  "Yeah," she moaned.

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