Part 4

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As Reina had predicted, she was very behind in school.

Her first day was not going smoothly. After a long lecture on prominent shinobi, They had started to talk about maps and numbers. She knew little of these things.

Her life in the cave taught much- like how to wield different weapons, and how to utilize natural energy to find intruders. She had honed her instincts, rationalization, and even learned how to find her way around outside her village- by . . . Feeling it out.

Maybe I know less than I thought I did?

Was she ignorant? Why would they need maps in their education? She had always been praised as the brain of her class, but she could not understand why something so useless needed to be used.

Thinking on this for a minute, Reina almost hit herself at her stupidity.

Of course they would need to know this! Normal shinobi couldn't just 'feel it out' like her. They didn't have the natural abilities that she had to rely on- they had to learn it through study and hard work.

"Ah ... So interesting" She murmured out under breath, "I must do some self study on these things."

Iruka looked from the board to Reina.

"What was that Reina?"

Reina sat up in her seat, and shook her head, trying to give off the impression that she understood what the man had been saying prior.

"Ah, ok. Well then, can you tell me how many days it would take- based on the mileage in this map- to get from here to sand?"

Reina thought about this.

"Sands power is historically Wind- Right?"

Iruka looked at her strangely, but nodded.

She knew that he could feel her activating her energy- any shinobi could- but this was the only way she knew how to answer the question.

Reaching out to pull at what she knew as wind, she took the strongest source and followed it. She couldn't sense distance, but based off how strong the link was, it seemed a similar distance as Konoha to her caves.

"Two days"- that's how long it took her at least.

The man looked at her as if she was nuts, which confused her, and then gestured back to the map.

"I'm sorry Reina, but it's actually 4. I guess if you ran all day and night it could be 2, but unfortunately that is impossible."

Oh yeah, That's right. She had run off of desperation and pulling energy to supplement her own.

Reina sighed when she heard the snort behind her. She knew It had come from the young boy with the black hair- sasuke, because he had done it when Naruto had gotten a question wrong earlier. It was a dignified snort that seemed to say 'I'm better than you'.

It was unfortunate.

He had seemed to be more mature than the rest of his classmates, and had a large amount of chakra for his age. He even had the same look of rage that she was so used to looking at.

But alas, he seemed to be rude to Naruto, and she had already decided that she liked him. Her resolve to favor Naruto over the other boy was probably from her family's innate stubbornness. She could see herself befriending sasuke. His rage and maturity reminded her of her hometown, but there was something about the blonde boy that really interested her.

His chakra was downright insane.

When she first opened the door this morning, her surprise wasn't just from his unnatural features. It was from the mass of chakra that seemed to be locked away from him.

The Last Snake Sage (Naruto OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu