Part 5

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"She was about to beat up Iruka sensei! Believe it!"

Naruto and Reina sat in front of the hokage, the man in question standing behind them with his arms crossed.

"Her eyes went all wacko! I saw it, I saw it!"

Apparently, Naruto's moment of cowardice was gone, now that the hokage was in front of them. He had traveled the whole way to the office with hesitant looks at Reina, but with this man in the way of her 'beating' them up, he looked more defiant.

Reina wasn't a fool, she knew she wasn't stronger than this man, but she hardly thought he could hold his own against a senior member of the Ryuuchi. Her clan was often underestimated, as they were a very secret community, and many had no Idea how strong they used to be.

Not to mention that most of the top ninjas in Konoha were men. While there were strong women here, they would have been completely surprised at the amount of elite women warriors her clan had held- because everyone, regardless of gender, had been trained as a shinobi. Reina almost laughed at the thought of this man trying to spar with her mother.

Normally, the humor Reina found with the thought of watching her mother beat the living snot out of a foreign leader would make her scold her harshness, but she was too focused on the fact that the boy had called her a wacko.

'If only I could slap that motherfu-'

Stopping the train of thought before it could appear, but still feeling petty, Reina tilted her head up and away from the loud boy. If he had accused her of trying to kill someone in her village by accounting what had just happened, they would have laughed at him for worrying about something this trivial. If she had really been trying to hurt the guy, at least a kunai would have been involved.

Reina didn't think that defense would make sense here though. Their village's differences were greater than she could have ever thought. She was known as the calm one, but here- it was getting harder and harder to control her frustration.

Venting her thoughts, Reina tried to bring up the subject from before. "Yeah, well, at least I don't have a dem-"

Apparently, that was not the right move. Because once again, Iruka slapped his hand over her mouth. It was almost like the older ninja had learned nothing from their previous encounter, because Reina had once again felt trapped.

Despite the Hokage being in the room, Instinctively, she felt a pull in her stomach to fight. In any instance her body would always choose 'fight' instead of 'flight', so what she did next showed extreme control for anyone of her kind.

Quickly, almost if his hand had never been there- she ripped his hand off her mouth and moved out of reach.

Silent anger seeming to seep from her until she spoke in a low tone,

"I do not CARE if I am forbidden from using my full abilities- if that man touches me one. More. time."

Breathe. Reina heard in her inner mind, Breathe. They must be stopping you from saying something of the boys' chakra.

Cutting off an insult her dad would have been proud of, she sat back in her chair and folded her hand over the other. It was unfair of the supposed teacher to treat her like any random person, if he wanted to stop her from saying something they should just tell her instead of trying to trap a person who had wildly different instincts from theirs. They hadn't even thought to educate her, even though she had no Idea what she had been doing wrong.

Despite Reina's shortcomings when it came to book smarts, she couldn't help but think these people were incompetent. She shouldn't have to apologize for having a natural response, but it seemed they expected her to bend from her culture, while they could remain ignorant.

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