Meet the Parent: An Original Oneshot

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Dad is finally home from his work trip. "When did you get back? Where have you been? Why'd you run away from home? Who took care of you?" Dad asked. "I'm doing fine, Dad." I replied. "It's a long story." "I thought you were a goner, like your mom." Dad cried. "Well, you might find this hard to believe." I explained. "But, I was trapped in another world for 5 months. A world of talking frogs to be more specific." "Don't be ridiculous, Row." Dad laughed. "You can be honest with me. Where have you been?" "Dad." Rosalina said. "Believe it or not, Rowena is telling the truth, Dad." "Plantar Family!" I shouted. The frogs came downstairs, exhausted. "Rowena, what's with all the yapping?" Hop Pop asked. "Are we actually under attack this time?" Sprig added. "I knew this holiday was dangerous!" "Oh my frog!" Polly gasped. "Another Mr Boonchuy!" Dad froze in astonishment, almost fainting until Rosalina led him to the couch. "Those frogs just talked." Dad gasped. "Dad, I know you're questioning what's real and fake right now, but trust me, you'll get your answers." I explained. "Starting from the very beginning."

I gave Dad all of my journal entries that I wrote here and back in Amphibia. Rosalina gave Dad a cup of coffee. "Rose, what's the coffee for?" Dad asked. "To keep you awake." Rosalina explains. "Reading all of that will take you a couple of hours." "Do you want to know the story or not?" I asked.

A few hours later, Dad finally finished reading my journal entries, but that still didn't reduce the amount of questions he had. "There's an evil newt king that wants both of you dead?" Dad asked. "Yeah, and he also has the Calamity box. The portal accidentally brought the Plantars to Earth with us instead of Marcy and Sasha." I fibbed. "But they've been living undercover as humans to protect themselves from the government." "And since the Plantars helped Rowena and I return home, we want to return the favor." Anne added. "Dad, meet the Plantars." I said. "I'm Hopediah Plantar." Hop Pop introduced. "These are my grandkids, Sprig and Polly." "Hi, Mr Warbler." Sprig smiled. "Sup?" Polly greeted. "Professor Todd Warbler. Electrical engineer traveling across the states for all your electrical needs." Dad introduced. "And don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. You saved my daughter's life."

Anne and Rowena: Teen Girls in a Frog WorldWhere stories live. Discover now