My top 5 favorite Calamity Girls chapters (as of May 13, 2021)

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Here's my list of favorite chapters in no particular order. Spoiler warning for those who haven't read The Calamity Girls or The Road to Newtopia.

1. Truck Stop Polly

I had so much fun writing this chapter. I chose to leave Rowena behind at the truck stop with Polly, except they actually forgot her. Especially how I think their relationship is the same as the relationship with her actual sister.

2. Cursed!

I wanted to give a curse to Rowena. For a while, I couldn't come up with anything, until I thought about Rowena talking backwards. For example, if she said her catchphrase, "This is frog abuse.", it would come out as, "Abuse frog is this." I wasn't sure about it at first, but it turned out to be really funny.

3. Toad Tax

Even though this isn't one of my favorite episodes, this chapter is very close to my heart. This is the chapter where not only Rowena's eyes glowed for the first time, but also where she admits to the reader that she's developed feelings for Anne.

4. Marcy at the Gates

I was thrilled to finally introduce Marcy in the Calamity Girls. This is one of my favorite episodes as a whole. I came up with the fire extinguisher joke, which I'm thinking about bringing back. I can imagine Rowena and her family practicing some drills if Marcy was coming over.

5. The Sleepover to End all Sleepovers

Another one of my favorite episodes. Just a fun episode to keep you entertained before the characters find out more information on the music box. Getting to see Sprig and Polly get as close to Marcy as they are with Anne and Rowena made me thrilled.

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