Chapter 1: Battle

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(Lip J is with YGX)


Tension is high in each group's waiting room as every group is being announced. Hook goes to the "Fight Zone" first. Hook members look so astounded by the studio set up, the aura of the "Fight Zone" overwhelms them while walking to their seats.

"Oh, here's our seat, It says HOOK here." "That's Awesome".

As the group settles down, a video suddenly lights up in front revealing the evaluation of each group. Most of the group is saying they are "trendy", "witty", they also say " I only know Aiki", "Tiktok", "I've just seen her teokbokki advertisement, I don't know her real dance skill" and with that, the video ended.

"Ya, don't eat teokbokki from now on" Aiki suddenly exclaimed. "Why?" a member asked.

"They ignore us by watching our advertisement" the pettiness from Aiki comes out. At that moment YGX goes to the "Fight Zone", looking intimidating.

"oh, where's our seat?" YGX's young leader, Lee Jung Asked.

"perhaps, are those our seats," Lip J pointed in Hook's direction. "Huh? I'm sorry, but it says HOOK here" Aiki retaliate then points at the HOOK logo. "Oh, our seats are here" yeo jin points at the seats beside the YGX logo.

"Mami, sit down beside me" Lee Jung acts cutely to LipJ, "sure" Lee Jung grabs LipJ's arm and pulls her mami on her side.

"Are you gonna be okay unnie?" Lee Jung quietly whispers to Lipj while secretly covering hers and LipJ's mic. LipJ just nodded in agreement, but she was nervous and is trembling as a result of anxiety. Lee Jung grabs LipJ's hand to assure her that everything is gonna be okay.

"Just breathe in and out, unnie" Lee Jung smiles at her. While YGX members were busy making their self comfortable, the screen lit up again with the YGX logo.

"Every member has their own energy and influence", "Every member is strong", " Lee Jung and LipJ is well known." "their weakness is that they are just business partners." Video ends.

In the interview room.

"Aiki is like a celebrity but 'they are just business partners?', " Lee Jung states. "Is that the only reason to keep us in check?" she also added with a smug face plastered on her.

"if you really think us like that, watch your mouth!" Yell, the maknae exclaims. "woahh!" The members cheer to yell's confidence.

Back to the "Fight Zone"

As the remaining group WayB, Want, CocanButter, Holybang, and Lachica was announced. They are already at the "Fight Zone" the only group left is,

"Oh my, what is this?", "Wow guys, hello!", "Hello everyone!" "Hey~" Prowdmon, making noise especially their leader, Monika while going down to the "fight zone". The tension in the fight zone disappear as team Prowdmon made their entrance, everyone clapped and cheered for them lifting the mood.

"As expected," says Honey J, as she predicted that Prowdmon is gonna make an entrance like it's a festival.

"The oldest unnie is here" Rihey mumble.

Meanwhile, in a mere second, Monika and LipJ eyes meet.

Both look away from each other.

LipJ talks to her members smiling.

Monika also continues to lift the mood of the studio as they sit down. The last evaluation video for prowdmon suddenly lit up the screen.

"Oh it's us," Monika said.

"They're all strategists", "they're super good" "Monika has a strong tendency, so she's the identity of the crew", "They don't create lots of Kpop choreography", and lastly "No young energy".

"Omo, who said that?!" Monika stands up from her position, she walks and points towards Aiki. "the average age of our team is too old" Hyeiley added.


"OH, I'M SORRY" Aiki who said the statement, stands up and bows down continuously to Monika. "I didn't mean this, This is a setup! I'm sorry!" Aiki calms down the furious Monika.

While the Fight Zone is noisy due to team Prowdmon, one woman is admiring the cause of the chaotic atmosphere. Staring at that woman, like there's no tomorrow. LipJ who is just smiling at her unnie, Monika's antics. She wishes that she's the one getting scolded by Monika. She wishes that she and Monika could still talk. She misses everything about her, her dancing, her voice, and her affection. Monika is the only one in her head at that moment, of course after not seeing her for years.

On the other hand, while LipJ is in a daze still staring at Monika. Monika felt the gaze of the particular woman who has been eyeing her since she made her entrance. She doesn't know how to react to these gazes that she's receiving. In fact, she does not know what to think about the woman who left her 3 years ago. She already moved her but seeing her at that moment she misses her, but she shoves these feelings away. "I should focus for now," she thought. "What happened in the past already happened, she doesn't have anything to do with me anymore" she shrugs.

The battle officially starts.


With both minds occupied with each other, how would this meet-up end up?

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