Chapter Sonic - part 1 - All Alone...

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So, I read the comments. And I made a decision.

In the first movie, Sonic you will have the clothes of option D, but the Option C human form.

And SO many comments picked Sonic 2, so we're going with that.

In the 2nd movie, he'll have the Option C clothes, as well as the accessories of Option A.

Also shout out to SoundBlastersuperior. This person is someone I follow and is really creative.

So now, let's get to it!


After the last viewing, everybody had so many opinions and thoughts of the web slinger.

"Spider-man is awesome!" So many kids and teens shouted.

"Young Spider-man made a wise decision. Instead of vengeance, he chose justice." Yagi said, before turning into All Might. "LIKE A REAL HERO!!"

Iida was proud of Spider-man. He chased after the murderer and did the right thing. He would say it was wrong to break the law, but he did the same with his brother's attacker.

"Tch I would've let him drop." Katsuki said, surprising others.

"That's not the way of a hero, Bakugo!" Iida said whilst...

"Shut up, robot arms! He deserved it for what he did!" Katsuki argued back

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"Shut up, robot arms! He deserved it for what he did!" Katsuki argued back.

They would've kept going if not for Bill's chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's just that the term robot reminded me of another universe of Y/n." He said.

"Really?" Clemont asked, before he had stars in his eyes. "Is he a robot!?"

"Heheh No," Clemont's star eyes simmered down. "But he does have to fight a whole bunch of them."

"Woah..." Ash said, imagining Y/n fighting killer robots, like in an action movie.

"In fact, I was going to show you that one next." Bill said, flying next to his seat.

"Wow!" Almost everyone was hopong back in their seats, ready for the next movie. The more mature ones calmly walked back.

"In this universe, Y/n is a Beastmen." The BNA cast perked up. "And an extraordinary one too."

"Oh! What kind of beastman is he?" Michiru asked, excited.

"A hedgehog."




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