Chapter 1: Marcus Meets Dante

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This chapter is a little boring but it's only chapter one. I hope you enjoy this story! Feel free to comment and give your thoughts.


[Marcus' POV]

I cringed as the sunlight hit my face as my mother pulled the covers from my head. “Come on, Marcus. It’s time for school.” My mother said loudly. I groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. I guess it’s kinda obvious my name is Marcus as you heard my mother say. I’m pretty sure I overslept because that’s the only time she gets me up. The air was cold as I fully slipped from under my blankets and forced myself into the bathroom. I stared in the mirror for a moment.  You could say I was a good-looking guy. Dark caramel skin, hazel eyes and long eye lashes (My mom says I get my sexy eyes from my dad…bleh), nice full lips (another trait from my dad), and a well built body from years of doing marching band. I began brushing my teeth and preparing myself for school. Jasmine, my older sister, came pounding on the bathroom door.

“Marcus! Hurry!” Jasmine screeched. I groaned loudly. Jasmine was about 3 years older than me. She’s really smart but didn’t want to go away for college, and by that, I mean she didn’t want to deal with college life. Jasmine did online classes to stay and help out our mom. But I’m digressing a bit and this is more like pointless rambling. I’m just giving you some background, OK?

                Jasmine pounded on the door again. “I’m in the shower!” I yelled over the sound of running water. “Your girlfriend is here!” Jasmine replied with a teasing tone laced through her voice. Yeah, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Chanel and she’s a true beauty. I sighed a little and hopped out the steamy shower as my body glistened with water. I think I’m sounding so conceited. Oh well.

                I threw on a white polo and a pair of my old jeans as I shouted to Chanel from my room that I’d be down in a minute. I grabbed my band jacket and book bag and jetted downstairs. I smiled as I approached Chanel in the living room. She had her band jacket on too with one of her skirts and wedge heels. Her long, brown hair was neatly combed to one side and she had a touch of make-up on. Not too much but just enough to compliment her natural beauty. I’m getting carried away again though. I kissed Chanel on the lips gently and shouted to my mom that I'm on my way out to school.

                I opened the car door for Chanel and she climbed in quickly. I walked over to the driver side and climbed into the car and looked over to Chanel who was in the mirror making sure she looked good I guess. She was definitely conceited if you thought I was conceited.

“Baby, I think you look great. Give the mirror a break.” I chuckled out. She rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’m just making sure I look good at all times.” I sighed a little at her vain reply. I started the car and started driving up the street for school. Chanel was now talking non-stop about the upcoming band trip to New York for a symphonic band festival. “I’m sure it’ll be a fun experience. Me and Dorothy plan to do a flute duet.” Chanel said smiling.

“Well that’s cool. Kelsey, Sean, and I will probably be doing a clarinet trio.” I said nonchalantly. Chanel frowned as she heard Kelsey’s name. My bestfriend Kelsey didn’t like Chanel and Chanel didn’t like Kelsey. But I’ll explain that later. It’s too early to be explaining why they don’t like each other. Chanel remained silent after the mention of Kelsey and began texting on her phone. She always gets bent out of shape and it’s just childish sometimes…


                Chanel and I made our way from the school parking lot and entered the school building. Chanel was still acting mean so I told her I’ll be in the band room. She shrugged and walked up the hallway to her 1st hour. I didn’t have a 1st hour but came to school with Chanel everyday just because I like doing it for her. Sometimes she didn’t seem to care though. Me and Chanel seem to always hit this bump in our relationship where it’s like we can’t tolerate one another. Sometimes it gets irritating and I just want to end it sometimes, but I don’t because I love Chanel a lot. I could feel myself sadden at my thoughts and walked to the band room slowly.

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