(4) Introductions

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 I'm able to calm myself down a bit sitting comfortably it's nice and warm my back against the bed frame I hear a knock and shortly after the large wolf comes back with a tray she walks over and sets the tray on my lap. She pulls off the lid, revealing a large plate of noodles and some kind of white sauce? The smell is heavenly, and immediately, my mouth begins to water. I don't move, though, looking up at her seeing what she wants. Why would she give me this? Is it poisoned.

"Here is the deal. All this is yours, but in return, I'm gonna ask some questions. You gotta be honest, and don't try anything. Know this. i know if you're lying. "

I nod and slowly pick up the fork next to the plate grabbing a tiny bit and lifting it eating It testing to see if I could taste anything funny but instead of something gross or poison I taste a delicious mixture of cheese and chicken my body finally relies that it hasn't eaten for days.. I begin to dig in

"First question what's your name and what's you're relationship with those vampires" I stop eating and swallow hard what was in my mouth causing me to make a loud gulp sound she must of heard cause her face softened to a smile and a kind look

I take a deep breath

"I was....a.....employee?" I tried to work around the question, looking up, giving my best innocent look.

"I don't think employers drink from the employees?"
she says, pushing her finger into my most recent bite mark on my neck from my master feedings I hiss and try to pull away from her, putting my hand over it, feeling tears start to brim.

"My name is Jordan, breablood, and I was a s...la....slave.......to them."

" breablood? That's a vampire sir name?"

"It was part of my contract..... I'd take my masters last name..."

"What was your name before you were a slave?" her saying slave so easily almost felt like a slap on the face....

My eyes filled with tears

"......I don't know...."

"I said don't lie," She says harshly, getting closer


She hardly grabs my chin and makes me face her. I start to shake as our eyes almost meet and close my eyes tightly before we can lock eyes

She let's out an annoyed growl

"Open your eyes!"

She sound annoyed I panic as her grip gets a bit tighter and I try to use my small hands to pry them off tears begin to seep from my closed eyes and I start to get flash backs to master
And I started to have a panic attack
"Please master!" As soon as that leaves my mouth, her hand let's go, and she backs away
I start to shake, she moves the tray to the dresser and rushes back, jumping on top of me, pinning me down to the bed gently.... she pushed me down, but even with my injured body, it didn't hurt from her body pinning me down. I begin to blush, looking up at her, and as hard as I try to look away from her beautiful eyes, but I can't. I start to whine bit they fall on deaf ears.
She smiles mischievously and moves her face closer to mine.

"I'm not you're master but you are mine, you and I are mates~"

She moved her right hand that was pinning me down, having no trouble only using one hand. Her right hand starts to trace the side of my stomach and hips, gently going back and forth. I begin to shiver. This form of gentle touch is all so new, my face turning more and more red

"I don't know what a mate is ma'am"

I squeak out, and she chuckles
" Think about how we met in the light of the full moon. I saved you and swept you off your feet it's almost like a fairy tail... destiny, maybe?"

She gently leans in and pecks my lips with a soft kiss. I basically shut down, and she starts to laugh, causing my embarrassment to Max out feeling like steams coming out of my ears.

She sits up and pulls me on her lap and grabbing the tray picking up the fork and bringing some of the pasta up to my mouth I shyly accept with seem to make her happy we get into a rhythm till about half way though the plate and I put up my hand,

"No, thank you. I'm full ma'am"

She puts the fork down and moves her hand to my back, and starts rubbing it

"Please don't call me ma'am it makes me feel so old feel free to call me lucia or because we are mates you can call me luci"

I nod and sit there enjoying her back rubs and the occasional head pat and hair ruffle. My fingers gently touched my lips, just trying to remember how it felt so.... passionate. She looks down and smiles

"Did I take your first kiss?"

I blush and start to stutter
"Well.. i.. it.... my ....you....." She shuts me up by lifting me slightly off her lap to be head level with her, and I'm pulled into another kiss a lot less gentle than the last. Her lips attacking mine, at first I tried to fight back but after a minute I submit relising its pointless to resist and this seems to make her very happy as she pulls out allowing me to take a deep gasp of air and cough a bit...

She leans into my ear and says

"How about a bath?"

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