(3) Just so hungry

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   Closing the door behind me and locking it, I stand there for a few minutes just soaking in the feeling in being in my mate presence and being able to comfort him, coming from down the hallway was my beta Hannah a slightly smaller wolf dressed a bit more feminine along with long golden hair and tall wolf ears. And my best friend for as long as I can remember

"Alpha, just the person I was looking for,"

I smile and walk towards her to meet her halfway

"Is everything okay with your mate?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. I chuckled but frown

"He's gonna be fine, but it pains me to seeing him scared of me.... but it's not his fault it's those damn mosquitoes. "
I growl softly thinking of what they have done to my mate.

She put a hand on my shoulder and gave a kind look.

"Speaking of which we found there little hiding spot in the woods where there stashing stuff on our territory"

I look up and chuckle

"Good.... I'd like to join for this but.... I can't leave my mate. Can I trust you to take charge of this?"

Hannah gave a determined look, and a deep breath yelled "yes ma'am!"

She's always so dramatic

"Also, go have something prepared for my mate to eat something light and easy to eat."

She nods and walks off, and I stand outside my room waiting for his food. Part of me wanted to just rush in and pounce on him pin him under me and..... I stood next to the door, leaning back against the wall with my eyes closed, getting lost in my thoughts until

"Alpha.... miss Alpha!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts to a teenage wolf with a tray with a lid on top

"Thank you, dear!" I say abruptly, not realizing I was so deep into thought about my mate. I take the tray from her, and she giggles

"You must be really hungry, Alpha, if you're drooling like that," She points under my lip. I bring a finder up and feel a line of drool that was sliding down my chin. I feel my face get hot and wipe it away quickly

"Y..yes... hungry, I was..... just so hungry. " I give a fake smile

The young wolf walks away, giggling, and I let out a sigh of relief.

I haven't made the announcement of my mates arrival yet, mostly because he's human and some in the pack might have a problem with him staying so for now I just put him in my hoodie so he smells more like me and less like the blood suckers. Just thinking about the fuck heads touching him makes my blood boil.

I clear the thoughts from my head, and a smile returned as I get to see my beautiful little mate again.

I gentle open the door.

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