(1) Under The Full Moon

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    The sound of crunching snow, along with my heavy breathing, and yelling are all I can hear as I run through the thick forest. My legs feel numb, my fingers looked blue, and this burning pain in my lungs. I can barely see the snow being pushed past me and into my eyes from the harsh wind, which makes me turn my head slightly and use my hands to shield my eyes. If it wasn't for the full moons light shining off the white snow, I'd be completely blind.

I look back quickly to see 3 large figures with flashlights not too far behind me. I gasped and focused on what was ahead of me. They already caught up to me, but I should have expected this. The large cloaked figures moved with grace and might cutting through the half of foot of snow like a scythe through grass. But instead of the smell of fresh cut grass my nose only drips from the cold and instead of filled with a sense of freedom I'm filled with fear of death or worse being dragged back!

    I felt my legs give out it almost felt like time stopped as I hung in the air, bracing for the impact of the hard, icy snow. Hitting the ground hard with a thump, the air is knocked out of my lungs, and I begin to tumble downhill. I continue to roll until I reach the bottom of the small hill, my body crashing into something hard and made of wood. As I lay on top of it, I don't have time to figure out what it is as I hear hissing behind me. I look behind and up at the three vampires standing at the top of the hill I stumble back falling on my rear as I crawl backwards. Until my back hits a Hard tree? I look up in terror at them shaking not just from the cold. They look down at me and hiss one more time before turning around and disappearing into the darkness behind them.

"Why?.... Why did they stop chasing me?"

I say to myself at almost a whisper confusion lacing my pathetic thought.

   "Because there smart enough to not come into my territory" from behind me I hear a female, gruff, assertive  voice I rush to my feet and turn around to see My back wasn't against a tree but a large woman.
Almost 14 feet tall, she stood inside large brown boots jeans and a thick lumberjack like coat, but what caught my attention was two large ears on top of her shoulder length raven black hair and a large fluffy black tail.

The only thing I could think of was worse than a vampire, a werewolf!

    I slowly back away trying to make myself seems as small as possible but as I step back she steps forward chuckling To herself. I trip over something wooden to look down. It's what I crashed into earlier it's a sign that reads, "WOLF TERRITORY STAY OUT!!!"

     If I had any food in my stomach, I would've thrown up right there, and then, I slowly looked up at her to see her smiling, showing off her sharp teeth slightly. I keep backing up, and she keeps coming forward. My mind is racing, looking around for some way to escape, all that surrounded us was snow covered evergreens taller then I've ever seen "how far did i run?" I barley have time to think to myself. In a panic I make the decision to make a mad dash not even thinking about how far I'd make it.

"If you thought running from those mosquitoes was hard running from me is impossible,"

      I stopped dead in my tracks from her voice sending a chill down my spine... she was right this is her domain she could lap this forest 3 times before I'd collapse , although I stopped moving she didn't, getting real close and crouching down her face just above mine. I look down and away, my body shaking only to feel a warm, slightly rough hand under my chin, raising my head, forcing me to look up at her. Her dark green eyes seem to glow for a bit as I look into them, almost getting lost in them. She holds me there for an uncomfortable amount of time. I try and move my head away only for her to grab my cheeks roughly and move my head back to look at her. Not being able to fight against her hand, i felt a slight blush come on my face and began to whine a bit. I try to close my eyes only for her to start growling deeply

"Open your eyes. I wasn't done looking at them!"

She says harshly, but I do as she says immediately.

   This seems to make her happy as she checks out the rest of me, looking at my worn clothes, her expiration changes maybe noticing I'm only wearing a t shirt baggy sweat pants and worn old shoes with holes in them. Next, inspecting my almost blue hands. I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy the warmth from her hands holding mine. Eventually, she stood up, and I missed the warmth she was radiating from her large body. She pulled out what looked to be a zip tie from her pocket.

"Put out your hands together."

   I look up at her, confused but I do as she says. Before I could tell what was going on, the zip tie was locked around my wrists, bindings them together. I begin to panic and try to break free and wiggle out of them. My wrists are roughly grabbed by her, and she lifts me into the air with only one arm. I stop struggling and look at her terrified.

She glares daggers at me, making it hard to meet her eyes. I look down at her feet instead.

"You're gonna calm down and stop struggling, or I'll give you something to struggle over."

I began to shake as she barked out her loud command.

"Do you understand?" I nod weakly

"Use you're words pup" she's says softer, but still, with the same ruling tone, her voice seems carries

"Yes ma'am " I'm able to squeak out

  She chuckles to herself softly, putting me down and stepping back a few steps. Her body begins to morph, and I hear the sound of cracking bone. I look away fast, and after a minute, the noises stop. I look back to see in place of the large wolf woman was a large... well... wolf.

Even in her wolf form, she's giant compared to me with pitch black fur and green eyes. She slowly walks up next to me and lays down, looking up at me. It takes me a few seconds for me to realize she wants me to get on.

"You want me to get on your back?" I ask she nods her head, and I still not wanting to piss her off, put one leg over, and sit gently on her back. Her jet black fur feels so soft and warm that I almost melted into it when I first touched it. Although she couldn't say anything, she had some weird cocky grin like she knew I liked touching her fur, causing me to blush.

She barks at me and lifts her head, I get the message and put my bound hands around her neck, making me lay my face into her soft fur she slowly starts to walk. I couldn't tell where she was going, my face basically glued to her back as my body tried to take in as much warmth as possible even if it was from a werewolf. I then began to feel the adrenaline die down and the exhaustion kick in. It felt hard to keep my eyes open, but before slipping into sleep, I could hear a gentle, dominant voice in my head say.

"Sleep, little one, it's all going to be okay...."


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