014. feeling useless

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sirens, sirens
( teen wolf. s3A )

chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen.
feeling useless

     QUICK to rush where both werewolves could sense Aiden was━━which turned out to be one of the locker rooms, for some unknown reason━━they hurried inside, desperate to stop whatever was happening. Both Ethan and Scott clung onto Aiden, hands and claws grasping at him with all their strength in order to halt his movements. He was holding a dungbell, Cora collapsed on the floor beneath him, Lydia nearby, crying out. Alani was glad they weren't even a second late━━she didn't want to think about what they could've walked in on if they had been.

     Nudging Stiles in the side, she hurriedly gestured to the other injured werewolf, who lay groaning against the floor. They collapsed down next to her, checking her over to understand how bad her wounds really were. Despite being a werewolf with heightened senses━━and, that did include healing a lot quicker than anyone else, no matter the extent of the injury━━she still seemed to be in pain, and would continue to be until her werewolf side of things finally decided to kick in.

     As Alani, Stiles and Lydia stayed crumpled on the floor next to Cora, behind them, they heard the drop of the dungbell, clattering against the floor and causing the trio of somewhat-human beings to jump within their skins. For a second, each of them thought Aiden had broken free from the restraints of the others, heading straight for them and tearing anything down in his path; even if that included the three of them. "Aiden," Ethan stood in front of his brother, eyes trained solely on his, "you can't do this!"

     "She came at me!" Aiden retaliated (like a five year old━━Alani would've chuckled quietly under her breath if they were under any different circumstances). He sharp teeth took an edge to his tone of voice, but the sound was still frighteningly threatening. Alani tried her hardest to look up at him, in case he suddenly decided to take his anger out on her.

     Ethan pushed his brother back, bringing the focus back to him. Scott stood behind the two of them, tense and ready to help if any of them needed him to. "It doesn't matter! Kali have Derek until the next full moon━━you can't touch him, or her."

     Silence eventually enshrouded the group as each of them took their surroundings in. Lydia looked up at Aiden, a look of guilt present behind her irises as the werewolf was hit with an ounce of realisation━━she had put him up to it. Alani wanted to reach out to her friend and comfort her, but knew there would time for that later. Now, they needed to focus on the moaning girl on the floor. Cora turned over onto her back, exhaling painfully. Her hair was sprawled across the ground like a halo of pain emitting from every pore in her body; blood seeped from a cut on her forehead she most likely received from the previous dungbell. The girl kept her eyes screwed shut━━no doubt too much light would make her head feel worse.

sirens, sirens, S.STILINSKI ¹Where stories live. Discover now