012. story of the past

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sirens, sirens
( teen wolf. s3A )

chapter twelve

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chapter twelve.
story of the past

     Something had changed within Alani Mordor.

     Days had passed by in a blur, and suddenly it was difficult to process what day of the week it was; where she was supposed to be; who she was with. Time moved too quickly for her to understand anymore, but in the end, Alani didn't care.

Boyd had died. Right before her eyes.

She hadn't known the boy well━━but, she hadn't needed to. She knew the kind of person he was, the kind of werewolf he was. Yet, it all went down the drain.

     Something had broken inside of her.

     Her mind wasn't exactly helping her out of these so-called episodes. Sure, Boyd had been on her mind since his unfortunate death, but her subconscious was continuing to force her to see him. Moments she hadn't been able to live through with him━━meeting Erica and Isaac as the three Betas finally came together; hunting alongside one another; fighting; teasing; laughing... It was all too much, and it hurt.

     It was like her ability was taunting her with these visions. What other reason could there be? None of them had managed to get to Derek's apartment in time to save him, none of them had managed to see the faults in their plan to begin with. It seemed, as a punishment, her mind would continue to relentlessly torture her.

     Alani felt as though she should've done more to save Vernon Boyd━━a boy turned werewolf who wore his heart of gold like a plate of armour.

     Her friends had noticed her sudden change, too. They, themselves, had become downtrodden and dejected after such a sudden defeat━━losing another one of their friends, included. Maybe they hadn't expected Alani to be impacted so much; but, they didn't know about her visions. Alani had wanted to keep those to herself, to keep them private and locked away inside the dark depths of her twisted mind. The blonde didn't want her friends to worry━━they had already been through so much in just the past couple of weeks, and Alani knew they would fret over her. So, she never told them.

     But, it was obvious that despite not knowing why she was suddenly acting the way she was, they still somewhat fretted over her. It wasn't overbearing, otherwise Alani probably would've snapped already. No, it was subtle glances here and there, a random question of how're you feeling?, and gentle smiles thrown her way. Alani was super appreciative of them all━━she couldn't have asked to have fallen into a better group of friends.

Alani had been blissfully thinking about their random group of supernatural teens when her phone started to ring, something she definitely should've expected from the start. If there was anyone who seemed to be more concerned over well-being as of late, it was Stiles Stilinski. He was checking up on her more than the others, making sure she was as happy as she could be in that particular moment, and reminding himself to include her in whatever they were doing or talking about, regardless as to whether or not she wanted to be involved anyway. The blonde had to admit━━having someone like Stiles Stilinski fret over her was nice.

sirens, sirens, S.STILINSKI ¹Where stories live. Discover now