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It's been five whole years. Today is Boo's 17th birthday. I picked up the bouquet of flowers I picked for him and got into the carriage I had asked for.

"Y/N where are you going?"

"To Niki's kingdom, father."

"You can't, today is your wedding!"

"We'll it's Ranboo's birthday today. I'll see you soon father." I ushered the coachmen to go, leaving my father standing at the door.

The carriage ride wasn't too bad, about three or four hours long. But when we arrived to Niki's monotone kingdom, there were beautiful flower arrangements everywhere. I was dropped off at the castle doors and thanked the coachmen. Niki greeted me at the door, giving me a big hug.

"The place looks absolutely gorgeous Niki!"

"Well I had to make it pretty, Ranboo would have liked it this way for his birthday."

She led me to a small indoors garden and left to get the birthday cake. The garden seemed to be the only place that was always bursting with color in this kingdom. In the middle was a grave, Ranboo's, to be exact.

Ranboo's friends, Tommy and Tubbo were sitting on a small bench talking to Ranboo and listening to music. They looked up at us, Tommy pat an empty spot on the bench beside him.

I sat down next to the two boys and they began talking again, including me in the conversation.

"Oh Ranboo! Y/N's getting married soon, right?" Tubbo said, turning to me at the last part.


"I didn't think I needed to, everybody's talking about it."

"Wait Y/N isn't the wedding in like, two hours? Also who are you actually marrying?" Tubbo asked, with a concerned expression.

"Yup! My father arranged for me to marry this guy, I don't know him though."

Tommy made a face, scrunching his nose and told me to stay with them and ditch the wedding. I laughed and said I would stay a bit longer.

Niki walked into the room holding a small cake, which had candles on top. We all scurried to sit on the floor next to Ranboo. Niki sat down with us and counted us down. Then we sang happy birthday. I wont even sugar coat it, it was so bad, we all started at different pitches and our paces were completely off from one another. Though I think Ranboo would have laughed.

When we finished singing a breeze blew out the candles. But, we're inside? Where did that come from?

"I should get going now, I'm already late to my wedding." I said, placing down the bouquet I had brought


I stood in front of my fiancé. He didn't seem that bad, though I knew this wouldn't be one of those stories where we would eventually fall in love, probably because he loves men, he told me before we walked out and apologized. I, obviously, got scolded by my father when I arrived, but he said that he would speak to me later.

The priest led the ceremony, I must admit it was extremely boring.

"If anyone objects to the marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

from the corner of my eye someone stand up. I turned to face the rows of people. Techno? He opened his mouth to speak but another voice was heard.


I turned to a man standing, people glaring at him. My fiancé cursed lightly under his breath. The man walked up to my fiancé and grabbed his hands, begging him to run away, they could be happy together. It was obvious they were lovers.

I glanced at a table that was covered with a tablecloth. I looked at the two and back at the table, they nodded with a stern expression. I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

I fell to the ground crying, or at least appearing to be. My sobs filled the hall, many people stood up and frantically tried figuring out what to do. Some of them crowded me. I watched as the two lovers snuck away and hid under the table.

Soon the guests noticed the two were missing and began looking for the two.

"I saw them leave!" I exclaimed, with the tears from earlier falling down my face. They all left to find the ones who made their beloved royalty cry.

After they all left I stood up and went to the table. I told the two to follow me. I led them to an exit and told them to take care, getting hugs and 'thank you's from the both of them.

"Why'd you help them?"

"It was the right thing to do, but I guess you wouldn't know how to do the right thing."

"Y/N I'm sorry, how is Ranboo doing, feeling better?"

"HE'S DEAD TECHNO- he's dead and it's all your fault." I said, turning around to face that stupid man.

He looked shocked, and almost sad. He put his head down and told me that he didn't know. He played with something in his hands. Being curious I grabbed his wrist, making him close his hand, and held it up.

"What's in your hand."

"It's nothing."

I opened his clenched fist and in his palm was a ring with a beautiful diamond on it.


"I was gonna propose at your wedding."


"Why? We used to be so close and we had so much fun! Don't you love me?! I love you Y/N I truly do."

"Used to be. That was five years ago. Maybe you would have had a chance if you didn't go and murder my brother. Love isn't an excuse for taking an innocent life. You must be insane if you think I'll ever marry you. I gave you a chance to leave peacefully, now I'll make you leave by force. Technoblade, you are now banished from my kingdom. GUARDS!"



A/N: i was really hesitant on writing this cause i dont want it to end already :(

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