For Your Entertainment

Start from the beginning

Kyresan quickly became one of my father's favorite children after that and just to spite him Kol enforced his new laws on the city he was forced to be in charge of so severally he refused to allow anyone to leave the city or enter. Then killed all the slave merchants when they refused to release the slaves they had. He enforced a heavy fine and prison sentence on those who were caught still owning and slaves. He quickly became feared by the nobles when he killed most of those who were supposed to help him run the city when he found out they were only interested in lining their own pockets with kiris (gold.)

Could Kol have done it another way, yes? But he had already begun the moment he got there and he was so angry with our father he refused to follow the laws Father said were appropriate for the city and killed those who reported to father. A year later and Kol's city was beyond flourishing and due to the way he opened trade with Veilios. It's now a slave free city and brings in lots of revenue even though Kol refuses to give father any of it. Kol proved to father that Dragos could run without slaves and father really didn't like it. Slaves keep Dragos going, so he says anyway. However that city was so over run with slaves only the nobles and a few merchants had the ability to live the way they wanted.

I look at my father, he is glaring at me. He doesn't approve of the path I have chosen myself. I notice that Kol is not attending even though he was told he had to. My older brothers may have no choice but to follow my father's orders but I do not. I refused to continue my military training and refuse to serve in the army. I even left Dragos in order to prove a point to my father I will not resided in Dragos if I cannot live my life the way I want to. I look over at Gritt. He is as still as a statue. I can't help but feel like he likes to entertain people as well.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentleman. I am here for your entertainment and to begin the Arena events."

I wave to the guard in charge of releasing the beast and he releases an enormous brown bear. It's actually one of the biggest bears I have ever seen. Usually the slaves are supposed to be the ones who kill the opening beast but they all are usually slaughtered because they run and try to hide instead of fighting. The guards usually have to kill it and then the meat of the animal is served at the banquet this evening.

I notice too late that the guards never removed the slaves. The bear charges at them because they scream and run for their lives. That never made any sense to me because if you run the beast always chases because it sees you as a threat or food. I block the bear and draw its attention.

I move at the last second it strikes and it keeps on missing me. I move quickly and elegantly it's as if I am dancing with the bear not fighting it. The crowed always gasps when the bear gets close.

Gritt stunned the audience by moving. I do believe most thought he was just a statue because there are many around the arena what was one more in the middle to watch people try to hide under it. I am not one for slaughter and I will not allow Gritt to participate in it and I know Kol won't allow Shayde to either.

The bear nearly misses me. I move one way and it moves the same way and manages to scratch me. Brown scales cover the wound. Ok I have had enough I'm done playing with the bear. If I mess around too much he may end up getting the better of me instead of me slaying him.

I pull out my sword and when the bear charges at me again I swing my sword and with a single cut he falls to the ground as his head rolls away only to be gobbled up by Gritt a second later. The crowd cheers and I bow to them. Gritt opens his mouth and lets out a breath of fire which shocks the crowd and he fly's away.

I turn and head back inside. I walk through the entrance and tell the slave merchant to release the slaves. They did their job and they survived the beast. The Merchant was not happy as he was forced to unlock there collars and let them get passed him. I get the feeling he will hunt them down later and put the collars back on them. However I tell them to head to my aunt's temple where they will be safe.

It's usually not done but I am not like most of my siblings I actually care about the lives of other people even slaves. I go up the stairs and take my seat next to Lukris who rolls his eyes at me. I don't really though I will live my life the way I want to. I may be a Prince but I am not in line for the throne Vex is the named Heir I shouldn't be forced to do what I don't want to.

"Start The Culling" My father orders.

I frown at his words The Culling is the slaughter of slaves and only five of the oldest dragons are participating in it. The Culling is supposed to be away to get rid of older slaves who can't work anymore. But I have noticed that the slaves get younger and younger every year.

My brother's dragons land in the arena and wait.

I watch as guards start to drag out the slaves. I can hear the screams of a few of them. They claim they are from Wintervale. Those who say that are beaten to the ground. There isn't a single old slave among them actually one of them looks to be a child. I stand up.

"Sit down Sephiran" my father orders

"And if I don't."

"You don't want to know the answer. Now sit down I will not have two of my sons absent. I will deal with Kol later."

I sit down against my better judgement I shouldn't have come back to the Capital.

Authors note: I hope you are all enjoying Dragons Kiss so far. I know I am. If you are enjoying this story please let me know by leaving a like or comment. Also share this story with your friends. For more info about this story and my other ones go to my Facebook page Author Megan Hultz.

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