Chapter II

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     That night there was a party to celebrate my victory at a local tavern "Bills and Mills" many people showed up and a lot of people got drunk on the fine maple mead. By the time I got home the moon was high in the sky. I closed the door behind me and called out "I'm home!"
No one answered, of course no one answered. No one else had lived with me since my sister died of pneumonia. I looked down upon remembering and went to the master chamber to relinquish my mind and body.
I had thrown on my nightgown and was sitting on the edge of my bed when I felt a pain in my stomach. "Too much ale" I muttered before heading over to the "shit can" it was a bucket designed to hold bodily fluids and waste, it had a more dignified name, but I liked to call it the "shit can" because why not?
I leaned over it and forced myself to gag up some ale. My stomach was still sore but it was not as bad as before.
I lied down in bed determined to sleep and was eventually able to rest with the fading thought that the room service would come in the morning.


"Room service"
"I am going to come in!"
"It is not like you to keep me waiting!" Mrs. Collins called out. Mrs. Collins came in pulling along a bucket full of water with a mop, cloth and brush.
"Brat must've slept in" she muttered to herself
"Well if that is the case maybe a little.... Payback should be in order" she smiled to herself about what she could do. Perhaps I could pour all the mucky water over his head, or slap him with the mop she opened the master chamber door and shouted "ALRIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT" turned the corner and promptly dropped her bucket and cleaning supplies. Before her lay a dragon, blood red scales armored it's hide except for the belly which had sky blue scales. Fortunately for her the beast seemed to be asleep, unfortunately it was also stirring. Mrs. Collins stiffened as a giant head rose from the remains of a bed and looked at her with sparkling green eyes, it grunted and Mrs. Collins fled screaming. Meanwhile the dragon laid it's head back down and was soon snoozing peacefully.


I raised my head groggily, Pain etched into every muscle I had and I almost laid my head back down when I saw the mess in front of me. I went to stand when I realized I had barely lifted and yet I had somehow hit the ceiling. I looked over to one of my arms and... that wasn't my arm. I tried to move the arm that was next to, to that thing and the red scaled leg followed in the exact movement down to the twitch. I quickly panicked and looked around and noticed the room seemed really cramped. Where I should have been able to stand on tip-toes and maybe touch the ceiling with my hand I couldn't even crawl because I was so large, and it was no help that I couldn't find any good grips to get good force to break the roof. At one point I tried to turn my head but the vertebrae seemed to be bending too far so I stopped. I lay my head down to wait for someone to come find me.


Little to Altan's knowledge there was a town meeting about to be called on the rumor of a dragon, a free dragon.

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