Those ancient times

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The song title is "A Million Dreams", by The Greatest Showman


Cale has been feeling a lot better since he let go of that heavy burden and guilt he kept embracing from his past life. Thinking calmly about everything, he noticed that he is not alone anymore, and even if he isn't strong enough to serve as a shield for his group, he can rest assured with the thought that he doesn't need to shield them. If so, they would most likely try to shield him, but it doesn't feel like he is a burden, more like a member of this kinda weird munchkin family.

Now, he feels like he can disclose himself a little bit more to them. Maybe not like, blurting out his past and feelings and all the little voices he hears from time to time - you know, those kinds of voices that discourage him and bring him down sometimes, those that kept telling him that he was numb, and everything could fall apart at some moment now - but, maybe, he could stop being so dense and comply to their worries and feelings towards him.

He can sleep almost peacefully, eat to his heart's content, and play with the children or talk to his companions whenever they pay him a visit at the garden or to his chambers.

And so, today he decided to encourage the children to go back to their lessons, assuring them that he is feeling all right and that they should keep their trainings – also, he told them that they could come back after class, after all, a kid should eat and learn and play as much as it can, they're still children after all.

After seeing the bedroom he shares with the kids empty and feeling a little unsettled staying there by himself all day, he thought that it would be a good idea to take a walk outside, and so, he went up from the underground villa to the Black Castle and started striding near the outside garden. Since Lord Sheritt and the castle settled in the Forest of Darkness, there hasn't been any monster with enough guts -or better said, insufficient self-preservation instincts- to roam around the perimeter, so, Cale was confident that he wouldn't have to face any danger (and even if something approached, he could just run fast enough to lose it using the Sound of the Wind).

While thinking about escaping in case of it being necessary, he heard the voice of the Super Rock.

"Uhm, Cale, we've been thinking..."

"Hmmm? Is something the matter?" Cale talked aloud, taking advantage of his kind of isolated state to speak comfortably. But, at the same time, he was curious, he hasn't heard of his ancient powers for a while, seeing that all the war and life-threatening matters got settled months ago and everything around him was rather peaceful.

"Is just that... you see... we maybe heard... you know..." the Thief trailed off, with a somewhat flustered voice. Just what she means?

"You are confusing him, Thief. Cale, we are attached to you, embedded to your soul, remember?" cut in the Glutton.

"Yes, I'm aware. But I don't get what you are trying to imply with that" said Cale, tilting his head, half-confused and half-annoyed with the idea of them trying to lecture him about something he already knows.

"Well, like we can't zone out from you and everything you do because we are kind of... stuck here, we may have heard you... well... singing, and so..." the Super Rock kept mumbling, lowering his voice with every pause he made in his phrase. At the last words, Cale's stoic face turned a little stiff for a moment, until it relaxed, remembering that even if those were private and a little bit embarrassing moments, this guys already knew a lot and understood more than anybody else about him.

TCF Songfics (My version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora