If only for us

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The song title is "In case you don't live forever" by Ben Platt



It's been a couple of months since the White Star has been defeated. Cale and the others have been living their lives not just as individuals, accomplishing their goals, but also as a family. A very clingy (in some way, is obvious, considering the fact that Cale fucking stabbed himself in some kind of live broadcast above the puzzle city... without counting the crazy whitehead bastard that sent the recording all over the two continents) and loving one.

Alberu is now the king of the Roan Kingdom, and nowadays the image of the dark attribute creatures has been improving all over the continent thanks to their good deeds and support to the continent's hero during war times, so, he's likely to tell more people about his little secret near in the future. Rosalyn got her rightful place as the Tower Master, developing all sorts of fantastical devices and magic in general. Choi Han, who finally decided to tell his family about the place that used to be his home- decades ago when he was still a naïve and happy kid learning and making friends at 17 years old- helps her, talking about all kind of technological advancements he remembers from his world so Rosalyn can make the magical version (also he still trains with Lock and the wolf kids everyday cause he keeps talking about making himself stronger, and Cale can't help to think that he still is a vicious bastard).

Ron and Beacrox announced the new Molan family to the underground world, and while managing the hotel chain their master had accidently created in the Eastern Continent, they've been quite busy teaching the new Molan heirs, On and Hong, about the family business. On the other hand, Raon has been studying under the tutelage of Eruhaben and his mother, so he can grow up and make his own place in the dragon world, maybe, if the chance comes, follow Sheritt's steps and become the Dragon Lord (although he wouldn't mind staying beside his human, changing his form to be forever a baby dragon so he can get head pats and apple pie whenever he asks. He wouldn't change his life, as comfortable and warm as it is, for any power or title on the world).

And so, we get to Cale. He has been doing what he does best (or well, we could say, worst, considering his tendencies to run around making and solving problems for others). Slacking. Rolling on top of his bed, eating and sleeping, rummaging around the Rock Villa and the Black Castle while his mind wanders all over the place. And is because of this peace and the new life that everybody has made for themselves after all this time of struggles and pain and suffering, that he can't help but reminisce. Reminisce not only his time meeting his now life companions, or his war deeds, or all he's been through since the moment he woke up in a strange bed, under a strange ceiling and surrounded by strange (but, somehow, warm) people... he also reminisces about older times.

Older times beyond his changed body, memories that had been covered by a veil of dust because their owner refuses to let himself slip away in his own mind enough to let the record start all over again. But now, with the villa quiet and his mind staring a tumultuous riot to let free those abandoned memories, Cale allows himself to let them play.

His eyes turn foggy, almost lifeless, without any light inside of them. Maybe is because of the pain they contain and refuse to let go, or maybe is because of the images coming not from the outside world, but from inside his head.

Cale is a person who can never forget.

The first memory is an old one, from the first time his record ability manifested in that apocalyptic and almost hopeless world. But what he sees is not hopelessness, or pain, or sorrow. He sees a moment that now feels bittersweet, but that used to be one of the sweetest back then. Lee Soo Hyuk is tousling Rok Soo's hair with his big and callous hand, smile plastered in his face like a proud father watching a new accomplishment from his kid. Choi Jung Soo, on the other hand, enters stumbling to the office after hearing the news, face full of disbelief and pride and happiness, a kind of happiness nobody except your family could feel for you, for your growth and for you as a whole.

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