♡︎ Chapter 7 ♡︎

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Because one he will tell almond Cookie I have a crush on him and Two he will sing a song

"Alec! Y/n has a crush on you~"Peter said and it was a lie

Almond Cookie face look surprise

"Peter!!!!"I yelled at Peter

"Hehe Y/n Alec sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~"Peter said and Peter run away from me and Almond Cookie

Then Almond Cookie look at me

"Kid uhh you have a crush on me?"Almond Cookie said and he was blushing

"What? No I don't have a crush on you"I said and Almond Cookie face look sad?

'Did I Hurt His Feelings?'I said in my though

I look at Almond Cookie sad face

'Man.... I feel bad now....'I said in my though again

"Look Almond Cookie I'm sorry I-"I was about said but I was cut off by Almond Cookie

"No it's ok you don't need to apologize"Almond Cookie said



I sigh and walk to Almond Cookie and I put his face close and I kiss his cheek

Then I let go of his face

I look away

"Listen Almond Cookie I hate to see someone face is sad who is closed to me"I said and I was blushing

'I can't believe I kiss a cookie cheek'I said in my thoughts

Almond Cookie was blushing and he smiles

•~Few minutes later~•

Me and Almond are done the groceries and now we're heading to the clothes

Almond Cookie was sitting

I was looking for clothes for Almond Cookie

Then my eyes catch clothes for Almond Cookie

I grab the clothes and I walk back to Almond Cookie

"Hey Almond Cookie try this"I said and give him the clothes

"Huh? But why?"Almond Cookie asked

"To see if the clothes are good on you"I said

Almond Cookie stood up and he walk to the changing room

I walk around to get some clothes for the cookies

•~2 minutes later~•

I was playing games on my phone and the clothes for the cookies are in the shopping cart and I heard the door open

I looked at the door way and I saw Almond Cookie in the clothes I give him to try

I looked at the door way and I saw Almond Cookie in the clothes I give him to try

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(If you guys want to change it go ahead I don't mind at all)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(If you guys want to change it go ahead I don't mind at all)

I was right

The clothes are good for him

"I much say Y/n you have a good taste for clothes for detective"Almond Cookie said

"Thanks"I said

Then Almond Cookie close the door and change back the clothes

After a minute or so

Almond Cookie walk out and he is holding the clothes he try

Then he give it to me

I and Almond Cookie walk to the cashier and I pay the clothes for the cookies and of course Almond Cookie clothes aswell

Then me and Almond Cookie walk out of the clothes shop

"Y/n why did you pay the clothes I try"Almond Cookie asked

"Well you guys can turn into a human so you guys need human clothes"I replied

•~At the house~•

Me and Almond Cookie arrived back home

"Well Thanks for the clothes Y/n and you shouldn't pay it and I should be the one who pay it not you"Almond Cookie said and he feel bad

"Hey don't be feel bad ok?"I said

Then I kiss his cheek again and Smlie again

Almond Cookie was blushing and  smiling

Then a portal open

"Well looks like I'm going home now"Almond Cookie said and he kiss my cheek

Almond Cookie smile and he walk to the kitchen and I think he walk to the portal

Almond Cookie POV:

I was in the kitchen and I saw the Medicine and I grab the one of the wired gummy

I walk to the portal

Then the portal close

I walk to Espresso Cookie house

I knock on the door and Espresso Cookie open the door and saw me

"Espresso Cookie can you test this weird gummy for me"I asked

"Hmm alright then"Espresso Cookie said and I give him the weird gummy

Espresso Cookie close his door and I walk what back to my apartment to wait what Espresso Cookie said about the weird gummy that Y/n been swallow of it
•~To be continue~•

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin