The Terrible Dinner!

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Hi Guy's Here's A New Chapter. IDK! I Got Bored. Anyway's ENJOY! :)

Natsu's Pov

Great! Now we had to have dinner with them. I just stayed silent for as long as I could. Only the adult's were talking. Until they asked us question's and mentioning what we do in our life's. "Lucy how old are you"? Lucy said nothing, her mother jumped in.

"She's eight year's old Igneel". My dad nodded. Then Lucy's father gave me a question.

"So Natsu, how old are you now"? I quickly looked up, I tried to answer him, but I froze. Everyone was looking at me, I just sat there in silence. 

"Excuse my son, I guess he's a bit shy". My face turned red from embarresment. 

"I'm not shy! Plus I'm 9 year's old now". My voice sqeaked a little bit, while my face was still red. Everyone started laughing, Including Lucy. "SHUT UP"! I raised my voice and threw my food at Lucy. She was suprised and looked all around her clothes. It was now stained with Chicken, Rice, and Potatoe's. She was about to cry, but instead she just ran out. 

"Natsu! Go up to your room, NOW"! I was about to go up to my room,but then I heard screaming. I went to look outside in our backyard and saw Lucy trying to escape out of her parent's grip.

Lucy's Pov

I tried to get out of my parent's grip. "LUCY STOP"! My father was trying to calm me down and tried to stop my squirming. "LUCY! I NEED YOU TO GET IT TOGETHER"! I kept struggling. 

"NO! LET GO OF ME"! I got out of there grip and ran. 

"LUCY GET BACK HERE"! My parent's kept yelling and screaming, ordering me to turn around and come back. But I kept going. "DON'T FOLLOW ME"! I screamed at them. I kept running and running, until I found myself standing infront of a house. I knocked on the door. 

"I'll get it"! I heard someone say from the inside. As the door opened, I saw the person's face. "Lucy!? What are you doing here so late at night? And why are you crying"? I was panting so hard from running and tear's were streaming down my face. 

"Please...*pant* help me...Erza". She looked at me and invited me inside. 

"What do you need"? I took a minute to catch my breathe. 

"I need help running away". Erza looked at me shocked. 

"Lucy? Why do you want to run away"? I knew she wouldn't understand, no one does. 

"I just can't.....I can't stay anymore". I was crying again. Erza just looked down. 

"Lucy, your parent's might not approve, bu—Lucy"! I ran out, she doesn't understand. While running, I bumped into someone. He helped me up. 

"Excuse me, but why are you crying"? I looked at him. He had blonde hair like mine except a little lighter and blue eyes and next to him was a boy with black hair and red eyes. 

"It's nothing". They didn't believe me, but they shrugged it off. 

"Anyway I'm Sting and this is Rogue". He pointed at the guy next to him. 

"I'm Lucy". I said.

Sting's Pov

Me and Rogue were just woundering around when a little blonde-headed girl bumped into me. She said her name was Lucy. 

"LUCY"!!! 'Huh? Who's that'. The little girl, who I guess is Lucy, turned around and looked at a red-headed girl running toward's her with a little boy about my age next to him. Lucy just stood still until she caught up to her. 

"Lucy, Why did you run off"? Lucy looked down, as if just realizing what she was doing. 

"You weren't going to help me, so I just fled". The red-headed girl came and hugged Lucy. 

"Lucy, you should have listened. I was saying your parent's might not approve, BUT I will still help you". Lucy had a suprised face on. She ran to The red-headed girl and wrapped her arm's into a hug. 

"Erza? How are we going to help"? I suppose the red-headed girl's name is Erza. 

"Don't worry Gray. We're gonna run away too"! The boy, named Gray was shocked. 

"Erza! What are you talking about? We can't run away". Erza looked back at Lucy. 

"Yes, we can Gray". Gray sighed in defeat.

"WE WANT TO COME TO"! I shouted, Rogue elbowed me and gave me a crazy look. Erza spoke. 

"Oh, and who might you guy's be". Lucy introduced us. 

"That's Sting and his friend's Rogue". Erza just looked at Lucy. 

"Alright you guy's can come". Gray just thought this was crazy. 

Erza's Pov

So look's like we're Running away. "Hold it right there, you're not going anywhere". I turned around to see the strauss family and Levy. 

"Mira!? What do you want"? Mira looked at her sibling's and Levy, they all nodded. Mira spoke... 

"We want to come with you". What? Why would they want to come. 

"Why do you want to come"? Levy jumped into the converstaion as if on cue. 

"We're coming, because we want Lucy to know that she's not alone. We're here to give a helping hand to her". 

Mira added, "Plus, life won't be the same without tormenting you". Mira gave a wicked smile, but it showed something else, I just couldn't tell what it was. 

"Fine, you guy's can come as well". They all smiled. 

"Let's go get all the money we have left, Gray I'll get your's so you can go with Lucy to her mansion and sneak in. Alright! Sound good"? We all screamed. 

"AYE"!!! After we all snuck in our home's to get our money, we started making our way into the forest. Lisanna was leading the way.

Lisanna's Pov

I can't believe we're running away!!! We all started walking into the forest, I led the to a spot near the river.

"Right here". Erza came out of nowhere and gave order's. 

"Alright, listen up! Me and Mira are going into the shop's to get weapon's for hunting. Lucy, Lisanna, and Levy you're incharge of berries. Sting and Rouge you're incharge of water. Elfman you keep track of thing's. Any questions"? I raised my hand. 

"Yes Lisanna"? Everyone's eye's turned onto me. 

"Ummm? I was just wondering.....What do we carry the berries with"? Mira spoke in for Erza. 

"Don't worry Lisanna! You can just weave a basket out of the weeds"! 'Oooh'! I nodded and we all left to doing our job's for survival.

 Hey Guy's I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter. Bye! :)

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