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Hey! Did You Know, Youtube Always Had A Loop Button? Well It Does! I'm Not Telling You Though (To All The People Who Don't Know). Hope You'll Enjoy The Chapter!

Natsu's Pov

I was walking around the forest trying to find my way back, then I caught a familiar scent. "Lucy?". I started following the scent, it led me back to the raided hut. "I don't see her. Where is she?". I kept looking around, but sadily I found no one. "LUCY!?". I waited for a response. "Natsu?". I started looking around in the direction of the voice. "Lucy!?". I could have sworn I heard her voice. "Natsu! I'm trapped in the carriage". I turned my head to the direction of the carriage and ran to it. "Lucy! There you are!". I started thinking of a way to get her out. "Where's the key?". I tried breaking down the bars, but it didn't work. "The man still has it. He ran off though". I jumped off the bars and started looking around. "Hmm". I kept looking for anything useful, I found a rock, a branch, dirt, water, but none of that will get the bar door open. "Let me try the rock". I bent over and grabbed a rock, Surely this will do. "Natsu, hand me that branch". I looked on the ground for a branch and picked it up. I handed it over to Lucy and she started picking the lock. I held the rock in my hand and started bashing it against the bars. After a little bashing and lock picking, the door finally gave up and opened. "It's open! Lucy you're free!". She was about to come out, but the carriage started moving. "Huh?". The horses started moving for some reason. I looked over to the front and found one of the guards there laugh and run off. The carriage moved faster and went rolling down the hillside near the river. Thankfully it didn't go into the river. I ran towards the carriage and tried to stop it, but it didn't work. Sooner or later I ran into Erza and the others, But someone was missing. We all started chasing the carriage, trying to stop it from going any further. Luckily we stopped it on time. "Lucy? You okay?". I looked into the carriage and saw a dizzy Lucy. It was easy to tell she was dizzy since she has swirls spinning in her eyes. "Yea. I'm fine! Everything is spinning". After she said that, she fell unconcious.

Sting's Pov

After we got Lucy safely out of the carriage, everyone started looking around. I wonder why. Is something wrong? Did we lose something? Did we lose someone? "Hey guys! Where's Lisanna?". The salmon haired bimbo asked a pretty obvious question. Mira and Elfman started to panick. "I don't know". Are they talking about the little white-haired girl? "Well of course YOU don't know! You know nothing!". I got a little bit angry at him, not that angry, but angry enough to push him in the river. "Enjoying the water! It's cold, like you!". I think that bursted his rage bubble, because he jumped out so quick and punched me in the water. "Second times the charm!". What was that suppose to mean? "Huh?". He sighed, as if saying how dumb was I. "I mean, you fell into the river once! And now, this is your second time!". Geez this guy was annoying. "S-Shut up!". I started getting cold and shivering a lot! At least the current wasn't driffting me away. I easily climbed up and planted my back onto the ground, shivering. "Hmm!". Natsu turned his back from me and started walking away.

Erza's Pov

"Where are the guards?". Natsu came up to me with a questioning face. "Oh! Don't worry. They're somewhere, where no one will ever find them".


"Mmmm-hhmmm!". The guards where shaking rapidly, but the were tied to up on a tree. They were on one of the tree branches, so no one could hear them or see them. "Mmm-hmm-hmmm!!!!".


"Huh? What is that suppose to mean?". I shook my head and reassured him. "Now now! Don't worry about them, they're safe! They're in a safe place!". Natsu wasn't sure to believe me or not, but he just shrugged and walked off. "Hey! Can we get back to talking about Lisanna! She's still missing!". Geez Mira! You're soo loud! "Calm yourself Mira! We'll find her!". We all spreaded out, looking for Lisanna.

Lisanna's Pov

Where is everybody? How did I even get separated from them? "Hello! Anybody! Mira-nee! Elf-nee-chan! Where are you!?". I kept walking around, listening for a sound, a word, anything. "Mmmm! Hmmm!". Hmm? I started looking around for who made the sound. I saw nothing but a tree. Oh well! I started walking away from the area.


A white-haired girl walked by! It was one of the kids we were grabbing. The youngest of the Strauss family! "Mmmm! Hmmm!". She stopped and looked around, then walked away. "MMMMMM!". The rest of the guards were rampaging and struggling, trying to get out of the rope.


"MIRA-NEE!!! ELF-NEE-CHAN!!!" I kept walking, then bumped into someone. "R-Rouge!?". He looked at me, but sighed. "Geez, you're too much trouble". What's that suppose to mean? "Huh?". I put my hands on my hips. "Nevermind. Just follow me". I nodded and started following him, a few minutes later we arrived at the hut. "Thanks Rouge!". He nodded and smiled. "Your welcome. Just don't get lost again, okay?". I nodded my head and turned around. I started walking closer to everyone, but then heard my big sis. "Lisanna!". Mira came and squished me into a hug. "Mira-nee!". I saw Lucy on the floor, she looked like she was sleeping. "What happened to Lucy-san?". Everyone looked at Lucy. "No need to worry Lisanna. She's just unconcious from the ride". I looked back at Lucy, she shot her eyes wide open. "Hmm!". Mira noticed my jump and looked behind her to see a now awake Lucy. "Lucy!". Natsu ran up to her and hugged her, everyone was shocked and Sting was mad. Rouge? I don't know where he is! He just suddenly disappeared when I was squished into Mira's hug. "You okay Lucy?". She nodded her head, good. "Oh yea! Thanks Natsu for helping me get out!". Natsu smiled, "No problem!". I looked over to my left to see an annoyed Sting. "What happened when I wasn't here?". Mira just pointed over at Natsu and Sting. "That". Natsu and Sting were fighting, Lucy just sweatdropped. I walked over there to see what they're arguing about. "Leave us alone, Sting!"

"No! She doesn't belong to you! You don't own her".

"I never said I did! Baka!".

"I'm not a baka! You're the baka here! Idiot!".

"Shut up! You have no right here!".

"Yes I do!".

"No you don't!".

"Yes I do!".

"No you don't!".




"DO NOT!".

Natsu pushed Sting to the ground. Lucy didn't know what was gonna happen, I knew it wasn't gonna be good. "How dare you push me!". Sting got up and attacked Natsu. They were both on the ground. "STOP!". Me, Sting and Natsu, turned our heads to the voice. It was Lucy. "Just stop! I don't even know what's going on! What's even happening!". I didn't know what was happening either, but I think I know more than Lucy. Is it possible Natsu and Sting both like Lucy? "I want an explanation! Why are you both acting weird lately?". Lucy crossed her arms, clearly irritated. "Weeell~ You see.........", and that's when they all confessed.

Hi! Bored! Don't lick the swing set! Bye!!! :)

The Runaway Camping TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora