The Little Experiment

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Hey Guys! Sorry That It's Late! Just Sit Down And Read The Chapter! Here's a story I found, It's a Gratsu Story, well sort-of! It's not bad, actually I enjoyed it! :)

Lucy's Pov

After they explained everything to me, I was sort-of blushing. I said 'sort-of', not 'Am'. "Both of you are Baka's! Aren't we too young for love!". They both shook their heads. "Not really, I'm 9 years old! Plus! They have this thing called 'Young love'. Sooo....". I facepalmed. "Seriously! I'm like 8 years old! Sooo......I'm too young!". Sting sighed, then looked up and faced Natsu. "Yea, but we could wait until you turn 9. When's your birthday?". Now I was blushing a little. I said 'Little', not a 'Lot'! "Ummm...... July 1st". Natsu smiled and turned to Sting. "So, your birthday is in a few months! We don't have to wait that long!". Sting nodded and smiled. "Ugh! Boys!". I heard a giggle and turned to see Lisanna standing there. "Hey, I have an idea!". I gave her a questioning look. "An Idea? What idea?". She giggled even more, I was starting to get suspicious. "Why don't we do a little experiment". She gave us an evil smile, Natsu and Sting hugged eachother while shivering. I just stiffened and shook a little. "W-What kind of E-Experiment?". Natsu was still shivering, I just stood there, not saying anything.

Lisanna's Pov

'Look at all of them! They seem so scared, hee hee!'. I stared at the 3 frightened figures and told them my little experiment. "First! Lucy, you and Sting will pretend to be dating! Me and Natsu will also pretend to be dating. After 2 days of dating, we switch our partner. You will be dating Natsu and I will be dating Sting! Then after 2 more days, Lucy will decide who she likes more!". Lucy, Natsu, and Sting were shocked and blushing. I smiled, Lucy finally spoke. "Wait! If this is suppose to be my experiment, why are you in it? Shouldn't I be the only one dating them?". My smile faded. "Awwww Lucy! I want to have some fun with this experiment too!". Lucy shook her head. "No no no no! This experiment is not fun for me! Only for you!". I pouted. "Please Lucy! We could go on double dates, to ease your nervous feelings. Pleeaaaase!". I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. "Really? Really Lisanna?". She crossed her arms and I imitated her by also crossing my own. "Come on Lucy! It could be fun for the both of us!". Lucy turned her head to look at Natsu and Sting. "What about them? Don't they also have to say something about this? They also need to agree!". I turned my head towards them. "I'm okay with it!". Natsu shot his hand up while agreeing with the idea, Sting did the same. "Me too!". Lucy sighed in defeat. "F-Fine!".

Natsu's Pov

'I think this experiment would work out well! Just wait Sting!'

Sting's Pov

'Natsu thinks he could win Lucy! No way, Just wait Natsu!'

Natsu and Sting's Pov

'Lucy will choose me!'

Lucy's Pov

I felt a sneeze coming, but it didn't come out. 'Is someone thinking about me?'. This always happens, when someone talks about me, I sneeze. When someone thinks about me, I feel a sneeze coming. 'It's probably just Natsu and Sting! Every since there "little confession" I now know who's always thinking about me! Thanks to them, I always feel a sneeze coming!'. I walked back to our new spot, where the hut is. 'Yes we moved our location, since our old spot was being raided, we're going to have to stay in here for a while. Just until they think we ran off into a new spot'. "It's smaller than our other hut, but it'll do". I muttered to myself, somehow Lisanna heard me. "Hey! I tried my best!". I quickly apologized to her. "A-AH! Sorry Lisanna! I-I didn't know you were here!". She huffed then walked in the hut. "Oh and Lucy?". I turned to her. "Hmm?". She smiled evilly. "Don't forget about our little experiment". She slowly walked back into the temporary hut. "C-Creepy!". She laughed and started running around the hut, pretending to be an airplane. "I'm tired". I felt someone poke me, I jumped in fright. "A-Ahh!". I turned around and saw Levy standing there shyly. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I scare you?". I shook my head. "No not really! I've been feeling a little jumpy lately". She nodded her head, understanding. "Oh Okay! We haven't really talked much. Mira and Erza said I should talk more, especially with you. You know since we don't really hang out. So, you wanna get to know each other?". I tilted my head. "Like bonding?". She nodded and smiled slightly. "Y-Yea! We could talk about ourself's and learn from one-another!". I nodded my head and we went into the forest for some 'Bonding-time'.

Levy's Pov

Me and Lucy went into the forest to get to know eachother. "S-So, Lucy? Do you like reading books?". She nodded her head rapidly! "Yup! I love books!". I sighed in relieve. "Finally! I could talk to someone about books who won't get bored and fall asleep!". She jumped a little in excitement. "I know right! There's barely anyone who reads as much as I do!". We jumped up and down, squeeling and fangirling on some of the books we talked about. We started getting to know eachother, like 'What's our favorite food?' or 'When's your birthday?'. Stuff like that. It's been an hour and we started getting tired and we were running out of questions and books to talk about. "Let's head back to the temporary hut! I'm exhausted!". I nodded in agreement. "Yea, with what happened today, I'm suprised we're still standing with energy!". She giggled and we walked back to the hut in silence. It wasn't one of those awkward silence, it was one of those eager silence. When we arrived at the temorary hut, Lucy let out a yawn. "Well, I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep". I nodded my head drowsily. "Yea, Me too". We walked to our temporary sleeping spots and fell asleep. 'I wonder what tomorrow's going to be like!'.


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