Sting's Confession And Natsu's Anger

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Hi! Chapter Is Here! Enjoy It! You Better! :)

Sting's Pov

After Lucy left to tend Happy's wound, I decided I should kill Natsu for interupting the game. "You! How dare you interfere with our game! I didn't interupt your day with Lucy, now did I?". Natsu looked mad. "Listen Sting! I know what you're planning to do! So, I came to stop it!". I started playing dumb, like I didn't know anything. "What are you talking about? Planning what? I don't know what you're talking about". He looked like he would explode in any minute. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! I KNOW YOU'RE GONNA CONFESS TO LUCY!". How did he know? "How do you know?". He calmed down a little. "I have really good hearing". This guy is annoying me. "Well then, too bad for you. I'm gonna tell Lucy how I feel, and you're gonna stay there doing nothing". With that said and done, I left the enraged Natsu there. I did hear something from him, I also have good hearing. "I don't even know why we're arguing over this. This is an adult arguement". We may be a little too young to fall inlove, but I don't care.

Natsu's Pov

I won't let him. I won't let him confess to Lucy. After Sting got up and disappeared, I just sat there, thinking. "Well I'm not just gonna sit here and do nothing. That's just what he wants. He wants me to stay here and be quiet. I won't let him". I got up and started walking to where Stings disappeared.

Lucy's Pov

After I finished tending Happys wound, I gave him a small fish that I caught for him. "Thank you Lucy! You're a good friend". I smiled and said 'you're welcome', Happy left with the fish. I started walking around, because I didn't know what to do. Sting did say he had something to tell me, speaking of Sting, here he comes. "Hey Sting! What did you need to talk about?". He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the forest. "Hey! It's not nice to yank peoples arm!". We stopped moving, he turned to look at me and let go of my arm. "Sorry, I just need to tell you something. I have a confession to make". I was confused, everytime I'm near a guy, It's always confusing. "U-uh Okay?". He was about to continue, but we started hearing the bush rustle. Sting went near it and pulled out











A white haired rabbit. "Awww! It's soo cute!". I walked over to it and started petting it. Sting looked suprised, then he put the bunny down. "Anyway, as I was saying, without anymore interuptions. I-I". His face was hidden, did I do something wrong? But what he said, was something completly different than what I thought. I was speechless. "Sting....".

Natsu's Pov

I started sniffing Lucy's scent, I finally found her. But it was something I wish I didn't. I guess Sting confessed to Lucy. They're hugging, now I'm depressed. I walked back to the hut, sulking that I failed to stop him. I was sad and angry, but mostly sad. As I was walking back to the hut, I saw everyone running away. What's happening? I saw guards everywhere, they were picking up Erza and Levy. Mira was protecting Lisanna and Elfman. Gray was trying to free Erza and Levy from the mans grasp. After a while of hiding, they finally got Erza and the others into a carriage. They found us!? How? I ran trying to find Lucy and Sting. The weird part of all this was, I never saw Rouge being captured. Where is he? After a while of running, I slipped and fell. "Did you hear that? Come on! I bet the rest are this way!". I heard a shout of men coming from behind me, I got up and started running again. But then, someone tackled me, It was Rogue. We fell down and into the river. After we resurfaced, I was sure that I was going to kill him. "What was that f—". He placed his hand against my mouth, and shushed me. "Quiet, you want them to find us here?". We heard the mens shouts pass us, then we sighed in relieve that they didn't find us. "Where's Sting and Lucy?". We got out of the river and into the area with our hut. "I was trying to find them, before you tackled me into the river". We started freeing everyone, they all said thank you. After a few minuted later of freeing them, I heard a scream from inside the forest. Lucy...It was Lucy's scream. I started running, the only way to get to her on time was through the short cut. It was a very painful one, it had one of those spikey plants. "Ow, ow, ow, OW!". It was hurting me so much, why am I even doing this? She likes Sting, plus he's with her. I stopped running, and started thinking. What should I do?

Lucy's Pov

Strange People started surrounding me and Sting. They caught me and left Sting behind. "LUCY!". The guards just pushed him away and ran."H-Hey! Put me down!". They didn't listen, they just kept moving. They're going near the hut? Does everyone know they're here? "HELP!". Where's Sting? I don't even know what's happened to him. All of a sudden he said he likes me, than he throws me into a hug. I told him that I didn't like him that way, but he suddenly put his arms around me. He's been acting strange today, so is Natsu. What's going on with them today? "Stop! Where are you taking me!?". I saw the hut, a few of the men cursed. "Ugh! Don't use that language when there's a child around". They ignored me and went over to a carriage. "They've escaped! Search around the perimeter! Don't come back until you've found them!". One of the man was about to put me in the carriage, but I bit his finger and he dropped me. "Ow!". He started walking towards me, I decided to trick him. "WHAT THE HECK!!!??". He turned around, then back. But by the time he turned back, I was already gone. "That little brat!". I tried to outrun him, but he caught me easily. "Gahh!!!". He ran back and threw me in the carriage and closed it. "HELP!". I looked around, no one was there. No one could hear me, they're all gone. "Please, help me".

Hey, I'm Done. See Ya Later! (Not). Just kidding! Bye!!! And NO HATERS! :)

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