relationship issues

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So people would call me fat or skinny.....and I started to have anxiety.....

I recovered from it and no one had made a bad  comment about my body ever since....

Well......she might not be wrong......

Charlie: Addison that's enough! That's so disrespectful!

Belle: i-its okay.....i-i mean I don't like it anyways....I- I'll take it off....

Charlie: absolutely not! You look gorgeous

Belle: uhm oka-

Addison: where? I clearly have a nicer body

Charlie: okay and? You have a fat stomach, ever see u making a comment about that?

Belle: Charlie! That was so rude!

Charlie: i- sorry Addison but you can't say that

Addison furiously got up, and left without a word

I just stood there.......

Was I the reason to this.....

Charlie: hey it's okay, she's been acting like a brat recently , idk what is wrong with her

Belle: oh.....

I quickly changed back into my clothes,

But Charlie still forced me to get the dress,

And when I declined, she literally bought the dress herself and slipped it in my bag

Charlie: okay, today was...... interesting..... anyways, see you later

Belle: okay bye!

I waved to her and then I saw Vinnie pull up

I quickly put a fake smile on my face and sat in the car

Vinnie: hey bab-

Belle: hi?

Vinnie looked at me dead in the eyes

Vinnie: what's wrong?

Belle: what? Nothing's wrong what do you mean?

Vinnie: are you gonna tell me or do I have to find out myself?

Belle: your being really annoying Vinnie

Vinnie: I'm sorry, but if caring for you is annoying, I'll annoy you for the rest of your life

Belle: stop It dude you ruining my mood

Vinnie: am I? Or was it already ruined?



There was a huge silence in the car.....

The whole car ride was in silence...I couldn't even keep eye contact with him....

I soon did realize I was wrong....I shouldn't have shouted like that....all he wanted to do is to make sure I was okay...

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the large gold gate open

I didn't even realize we already got home

The second Vinnie pulled up in the driveway, I Sprinted out of the car

Ran to the front door

Opened it

Ran up the stairs

And ran to my room and slammed the door

WTH is wrong with me....why do I just push him away like that when he's just trying to make me happy....

I just layed on my bed....

And fell asleep

The next day 12pm

I woke up to a nightmare....

Damn....only one night without him and I'm already having nightmares....

I slowly slumpt out of bed and made my way to the closet...

I didn't even wanna shower....

Ughhh I have to shower.....nvm I'll shower at night

I got an oversized shirt and sweatpants

And put on some comfy socks with slippers

I brushed my hair and just put it in a loose bun

I opened the door of my room

And walked downstairs almost tripping

After breakfast

After I was done, I was going back to my room when I saw Vinnie looking really mad at his phone

Might be a good time to apologize...

I slowly made my way there and sat on the sofa

He completely ignored me

Ohh so he's mad at me now huh? He has the nerve to be mad at me?

I did shout at em....

I got up up from where I was sitting, and sat closer to him

He seemed to notice but didn't move

Poor boy doesn't know what to do

He still kept his eyes on his phone

Belle: Vinnie

Vinnie: what....

Belle: vinniee

I wanted him to look at me

Belle: I'm over here

He finally looked up at me

Vinnie: what huh!? You here to shout again!?

He said standing up

I stood up too

Vinnie: go on then, shout at me!? Shout at me for caring for yo-

Before he could finish his sentence, I hugged him

He didn't waste a second to hug me back

Belle: I'm sorry....

Vinnie: it's okay.....just please don't do this again......I can't see you looking sad....

Belle: I know....I'm sorry.....

We went to Vinnie's room, put on a movie And cuddled

But the whole time I was wondering why Addison did what she did today....

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