chapter twenty five

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I took a deep breath and went downstairs

I saw Vinnie

I started walking down and he deadass stared at me

I can down and he still stared at me

Then I noticed he was BLUSHING

this dude isnt even noticing that he's blushing

Belle: babe cmon were gonna be late

Vinnie's pov: I was waiting for belle when she came down the stairs looking so f*cking gorgeous, and then she called me BABE!? WHAT!?

Vinnie: did you just call me babe!?

Belle: yea , why you don't like being called-

Vinnie: no no no I love it

Belle: alright then, let's go

Vinnie: oh yea, okay let's go, you look stunning btw

Belle: thx

He looked like he forgot about the party 😂

We then walked to the car and Vinnie drove instead of a driver, but I wasn't complaining....

He started the car and started driving

While the security cars were at the back of us

Vinnie was driving and I was texting Charlie on my phone when suddenly he put his hand on my thigh

My heart was jumping in joy and excitement AHHHH! That was the best feeling in the entire world

He rubbed it

And i was sitting there trying not to squeel , I was getting butterflys in my stomach

We arrived after about an hour and we got out

I walked towards Vinnie and we walked in together

I walked towards Vinnie and we walked in together

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The hall was-

Am I in a castle!? Thank god I decided to wear something elegant

Before we walked in Vinnie stopped me and put his hand around my waist

Then we walked in

The moment we entered, everyone looked at me shocked

I whispered to Vinnie

Belle: why are they looking at me like that? 

Vinnie: haha, bc your the first person I've dated

Belle: what?

Vinnie: I had past relationships, but I never showed my girlfriends in public, so for them, your my first girlfriend

Belle: so I'm your girlfriend huh?

Vinnie: yea, I love you

Did he just call me his girlfriend!? uhhHH

Then a group of people, I'm assuming mafias approached us

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