Meeting The Champion And Route 5

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): well that's cool, you two want anything to eat I'll pay for it and I'm taking no for an answer

Serena: you sure (Y/n)?

(Y/n): absolutely

Serena gives me a look of concern but looks at the menu and I look over at Shauna and see she's already looking at the menu in hunger, she probably forgot to eat breakfast so with a small smile on my face but I hear movement behind and see the red haired man walk past our table and out the door

Diantha: I haven't seen blonde and blue locks like this in a while, so that means you must be Cynthia's pride and joy then

(Y/n): *looks up at Diantha* um what?

Diantha: I'm sorry I should introduce myself, I'm Diantha it's nice to meet you

Shauna: wait the famous PR Star Diantha!!

Diantha: oh my, your quite excited

Shauna: who wouldn't be!!

(Y/n): um sorry if this sounds rude but how do you know my Mum?

Diantha: simple because there's an annual tournament that gathers the champions from every region to face of against each other, so that's how I got to know Cynthia and when she wasn't battling she would talk about her family, she even showed me a family portrait

(Y/n): Mum has not told me about this tournament. Well that clears up that

Diantha: it's no problem but if you'll excuse me I have a rehearsal to get to

And like that Diantha has left the Café in a slight hurry

Serena: well that was something

Shauna: something amazing!!

Serena: um Shauna if you don't mind me asking, who is Diantha?

Shauna: well Diantha is really famous; she's a PR and movie star, a complete babe and the Kalos' League Champion

Serena: wow that's so cool

(Y/n): it also sounds like you have a crush on her

Shauna: well when I was younger she was my celebrity crush, but when I got older I realised it could never really happen

(Y/n): ouch! Sorry for reopening that scar Shauna

Shauna: it's fine, I just hope I find someone who won't betray my feelings

Both Serena and I give Shauna a somber look then we order our food and chatted some more while we waited

<Time skip 1hr brought to by Chibi (Y/n) feeding Chibi Zorua some berries>

After having a nice Serena, Shauna and I make our way to Route 5 and once we get onto the route I see a Lucario run towards us, so Shauna and Serena get their Pokéballs ready but I just walk up to them and then they stopped and looks at me and I just kneel down and the Lucario follows behind

(Y/n): you must feel an powerful aura don't you *the Lucario nods*

Lucario: you are an interesting trainer, you know much about my capabilities, how do you know that?

Serena: the Lucario

Shauna: it talks

(Y/n): they're not talking, they're using telepathy

Lucario: you never answered my question trainer

(Y/n): oh sorry, the reason I know your capabilities, it's because I know an aura master who also has an Lucario that's just like you

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