5| The Ritual

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Walking into the home of the alpha, my stomach grows uneasy like a swarm of giant-sized bats has taken up residency

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Walking into the home of the alpha, my stomach grows uneasy like a swarm of giant-sized bats has taken up residency. I stare at the large rug covering the foyer floor and pray to the goddess I don't throw up all over it. That really is the last thing I need tonight.

Oh, hi, Alpha Christian. Love your home. Please excuse the puddle of puke on your floor.

Yeah, hard pass.

Standing by Nene's side as she exchanges pleasantries with some of her friends, I look around the large space. It's been years since I've been here and yet, for the most part, it hasn't changed at all. Same tan walls and dark wood molding that matches the floor, the ceiling, the two grand staircases in each corner of the back wall, and the railings that border the second floor. The open floor above has always been a favorite of mine, giving anyone up there the full view of the foyer below. But somehow the two-story room with its cathedral ceilings feels smaller than I remember.

When Aiden and I were kids, we ran around this place like it was our personal playground. Everything felt so much bigger in those days.

Then again, the alpha's house is crammed with nearly every wolf from our pack decked out in their fanciest clothes. So, maybe that's why everything feels so claustrophobic now.

And yet, I don't see any sign of Zara or Stormy.

Standing on my tiptoes, I attempt to look around for them.

Where are they?

"René, Bayleigh!" A melodic feminine voice calls from across the room.

Nene excuses herself from her conversation and turns around at the same time I spot Luna Marie gliding our way.

She's a vision of beauty, as always, in a cream-colored gown and her waves of chestnut hair flowing naturally down her back. A smile that lights up the room spreads across her face.

"I'm so happy you're both finally here," she says, taking Nene's hand in both of hers and planting a peck on her cheek. "You look stunning, René."

"You as well, dear." Nene smiles with her head high.

Turning to me next, Luna Marie's dark hazel eyes widen. "Oh my...Bay, you look absolutely beautiful." With tears glistening her gaze, she pulls me into a tight hug. "You look just like Leanne."

"Thank you," I whisper, awkwardly hugging her back.

Had this been years ago, I'd embrace Luna Marie as I would my own Mom. But I've kept my distance the last few years, scared how she and Alpha Christian might look at me since running away from their son. Now things feel unfamiliar...strained at least on my part.

Pulling away, Luna Marie carefully wipes the moisture from her eyes. "Well, then...Christian and Aiden should be down any minute."

As soon as the words leave her mouth, the chatter in the room rises. The three of us turn towards the stairs just as Alpha Christian and Aiden reach the bottom steps.

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