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                      I Fully walked out of my room, and started to follow Nurse Ann slowly. Taking in the new surroundings. We were walking down a very long hallway. There were multiple doors, and both my left and right side. The more I started walking forward, the more the doors stood out. Each one had their own type of design or better yet personality. Some were bloody, but some were just a different color. Sooner or later, me and Ann finally reached the stairs. " Just down the stairs, follow me, come on." She said in a calm voice. She slowly walked down the stairs, and waved at me, gesturing to me to follow her. Soon after, I did as I was told. "This place is huge" I thought to myself. Once I arrived down the stairs, Ann continued walking, but turned left, immediately opening a door. I soon followed her. I entered the room, It looked like a living room. There were a bunch of girls sitting on the couch. Two of them were arguing, and the others were just talking. As I walked in, everything went silent. Their attention was attracted to the door, looking at me. "Fuck dude, Im dead" I thought to myself. That's when Slenda appeared in the middle of the room. " Now, Now Y/N. You are not dead. Everyone promised to not hurt you." she said in a calm motherly tone. I only nodded. I started to look around at everyone, some were frowning, others were clearly annoyed by my presence. Slenda and Ann both gestured for me to come to the middle of the room. I slowly started walking towards Slenda. Passing the couch where some were sitting on, and making it to the middle of the room. " Now, Introduce yourself," She said. I only nodded once more, and started saying " Hello-o everyone, My name is Y-Y/N L/N, Nice meeting you a-all." I said nervously as seen I was probably in a room full of killers. Everyone in the room nodded their heads, well except the ones that didn't seem happy seeing me. Slenda Gestured for the others to start introducing themselves. The first one that spoke, had Brown hair, green/blue eyes. Except for one. It had a clock in it. It didn't terrify me, as she seemed normal besides the clock in her head. She instantly got up, and ran up to me. I put my arms up to cover my face from any damage I was about to take. But the only thing I felt was poking. She said " I don't know what Slenda sees in you, You're just a normal human." She said in a monotone voice. She was just poking me all around my body, until she reached my wound. She poked into it. I winced in pain. She instantly packed up and said " I'm sorry, It's a habit." She said nervously, but started blushing as she realized what she was doing. " Its o-okay" I said nervously. She smiled and said" My name is Clockwork, I think I will make good friends." That made me smile a little bit. She slowly walked back to the couch. That's when another starts speaking. " Hey, My name is Benny Drowned, but you can call me Benny. I like playing video games, and I'm basically the definition of a gamer girl. Maybe we could play together sometime~" She said, smiling creepily. I only nodded as I didn't know what to say. She looked like a cosplay link. But in her own way, she had black eyes. The only thing I found creepy was her eyes, but I got used to them. Another one of the girls spoke up. She had Jet black hair, wore this white mask, and wore what looked like a black dress. " Hello My name is Jane. It's nice meeting you. I'm one of the people that doesn't care that you are here. Just don't get on my bad side or there will be consequences. If you ever hear fighting, it might just be me and Jess. We both are like water and oil. Just don't mix, ''she said in a monotone voice. I nodded and said" It's nice to meet you." So from the looks of it as I've been observing there are only two girls left. Another finally spoke up. She wore a blue mask, which I found odd, but then I saw her eyes, She doesn't have any. But I didn't find it creepy at all, it was kind of cool to be honest. "Hello, My name is Eyeless Jackie, But you can just call me Jackie." She said as she went quiet after that. " It's nice meeting you Jackie" I said nicely. That's when the last one finally spoke up " HEY DICKHEAD, REMEMBER ME!" She said with hatred in her voice. I instantly realized who it was. It was that girl that tried to kill me. I froze up. Slenda noticed this, and instantly stepped in." Now, Jess, calm down, You are only here to introduce yourself, not fight anyone." She said in a demanding tone. "No fuck that, I'm getting my target I failed to kill" She said, while pulling out a knife. She instantly started charging at me, until one of Slenders tentacles grabbed her, and threw her across the room. " ENOUGH!" Slenda yelled. Jess Instantly got up, and apologized. She glared at me, and spoke. " My Name is Jessica, But you can call me Jess." She said as she walked out of the room. Sooner or later everyone else did as well. Slenda sighed and looked at me. I only smiled and said" Thank you for defending me" I said as I walked out. I could tell that Slenda wanted to be left alone so I respected that. I started to make my way up the stairs and heading towards my room. I slowly kept passing the rooms. One of them was left, half way open. I read the name on the door. "Jess". That's what the door said on it. I walked past it, and started heading towards my room. I opened the door slowly, and entered the room I was once in. Slenda started speaking to me mentally as soon as I entered the room " The room you have been staying in is yours now. Keep it clean, You can have whatever you want in it, but just keep it clean please, and I forgot to mention that there are still a few other girls you need to meet. They will be back in a few days. Get some rest Y/N" She said as she stopped talking. Thank you Slenda is what I thought in my head. I headed towards my bed. I slowly got under the covers, and headed back to sleep.

End of Chapter Five 

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