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Y/N Nightmare

I woke up with a massive headache. It hurt like hell. But that static that I felt and heard before I passed out is starting to annoy the hell out of me. I opened my eyes slowly, and took a good look at the surroundings, I realized that I was back home. "Im home" I said to myself, curiously and wondered how I was home after everything. I get up out of my bed, and head to the door. That was until I started hearing a scream for help. I quickly opened the door. I started running towards the screams down the hall on my left. I came to a complete stop. That is when I noticed that the once color blue walls were now full of blood slowly oozing down. I was terrified to say the least. I ignored this for now and focused once more on the screaming up ahead. I continued running to the screams. But suddenly the hallways starched more farther away. I ran down the long hall, each step the screams got louder. I finally reached the door. All of a sudden all the blood that was once oozing out of the walls, disappeared back into the blue wall. I slowly but cationsationly opened the door. I was met with the sight that I have been trying to forget for all these months. The sight of my parents being killed. I witnessed death in front me. I instantly rushed at the supposed suspect/ Killer. I tried pushing them off. But with no avail I went right through them. I instantly got up filled with rage. I rushed at the killer once more, but this time tried to punch them just for each of my fists to go right through the killer. That was the moment I realized I was having a nightmare. There was literally nothing I could do. I sat down, crying. Watching as each one of my family members die in front of me once again. Tortured, screaming. It all became too much to handle. Then all of a sudden everything went quiet. I instantly wiped my eyes and looked around in my new environment. I realized I was back in the woods, where I saw that tall faceless woman. I slowly started walking my way through the woods. But that static kept getting louder and louder. I looked everywhere but couldn't see or find anyone . It was only trees, and it was really foggy. I finally gave up, and sat down. I slowly positioned myself beside a tree, and rested my head. A little while goes by, and the static fades. I started to look around, but saw nothing. That was until I looked to my right, and saw the Tall woman towering over me once more. She looked like she was about to attack. I instantly go back up, only to be impaled by what looked like a tentacle. I screamed in pain and agony. But before anything could happen, I was slowly ripped apart. I watched as my body was slowly split apart, Screaming at the top of my lungs. I was hopeless. Then everything faded to black.

NightMare over.

I woke up in a sweat. Terrified of what I had just experienced. I instantly took off the blankets and checked if there was a hole in my stomach. Lucky enough there wasn't. I laid back down slowly. That was until I realized I was in a bed, in a place I did not recognize. I slowly sat up." My shoulder is Killing me, and so is my head" I said to myself, In pain. " Where am I?" I said in my head. I started looking around and taking in my new environment. The room was pretty small and really clean. It had a flat screen TV, A closet, A dresser, and as well what looked like another room, best guess a bathroom. I slowly got up out of bed, but instantly fell to the ground. My legs have given out on me. " I'm too sore for this shit" I say tiredly. That was until I heard a knock on the door. "Shit" I thought. I instantly got back in bed and pretended to be asleep. That's when the door slowly opened. I heard two people talking over me. One said " How are his wounds? Will he make a full recovery?" The unknown person asked calmly. " Yes but no. He has taken too much damage on one of his shoulders. It'll take time for him to even be able to get the arm moving again. All we can do is hope for the best. Remember He is My patient. I will do my best to tend to him, but right now he needs to rest. " The other unknown person said. I heard one of them walk out, and slowly close the door behind them. That's when I felt a presence standing above me. " I know that you are awake," said the unknown person calmly. I instantly looked at who it could be. Just to be met with the faceless woman once more. I instantly started to panic. I got up as fast as I could, only to be grabbed by a tentacle, and be gently put down. " Who are you?" I was clearly terrified. "My name is Slenderwoman, But you can call me Slenda." Slenda said in a calm voice. "Where am I?" I instantly questioned. " You are in my home. This will be your new home as well. But for right now it's best if you rest. You will be meeting with the others soon. But for right now, You need to rest and heal. That shoulder will not get any better if you keep moving much" She said in a motherly type of way. I only nodded my head. She got up. She started heading towards the door, but before she left she said. "Someone will be here in a bit to check on your wounds. Try not to be so difficult." She said, and then left, closing the door behind her. I slowly sat back up. " Where the hell am I?". 


A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short today. Tomorrows chapter will be longer Promise. Let me know how I did:) Have a good day.

From Despair To Hopefulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें