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                I finally arrived in the city. It's bright, and beautiful. But soon it's gonna start getting packed. I love this city so much, but right now isn't the time to admire it. I look to my right, and see an alley. I biked into the alley, and then came to a stop once I was far enough in the alley. '' should be safe for now" I say to myself, exhausted. I got off of my bike, and started checking my wounds. I looked at my shoulder, and realized. The adrenaline had gotten the best of me. I didn't realize that the supposed small cut was a deep gash. I didn't realize all this time, I have been bleeding out. " Fuck!" I said frantically, and loud. I took off my shirt, and ripped a piece off. I started wrapping it around my shoulder to at least stop some of the bleeding. I started walking back to my bike, getting ready to leave. Until, A knife was thrown in my direction. I didn't have much or any time to dodge it. So it went right back into the shoulder that had already been injured." FUCK!" Y/N screamed in pain and agony. frantically I tried removing the knife from my shoulder but before I got a chance to, I was kicked onto the ground. I hit the ground and grunted in pain. The suspect who caused it finally showed up and sat on my stomach. Grabbing the knife and twisting it on the inside. Blood comes gushing out slowly. Y/N Screamed in pain , before looking at who was doing this. It was her. The one that attacked me back at my house. With all my strength I had left, I tried flipping her over me like I did earlier, but It didn't work, as she had me pinned down. Staring at me with those terrifying eyes, and the creepiest smile. " Why are you doing this!?" I yelled quickly, and terrified. All she said was" You were an easy target." she said smiling at me, clearly ready to do some more damage. She lifted the blade out of my shoulder, Ready to strike once more. Until gunshots were heard coming this way. She quickly got off, and Ran through the alley. Towards the gun shots. With the few seconds I had, I got up and ran the opposite way. I heard screaming coming from the other side of the alley she was at. I kept running until I was finally on the outskirts of the alley. There were some woods on my right, But the hospital is somewhere else in the city on my left. " If I go into the woods, I have a higher chance of being found, But if I head into the city and find a hospital, I'll have a higher chance of survival." I thought to myself. Just then I heard laughter coming towards me. Without a second thought I ran farther into the city. I keep running throughout the city, no one really questioning why I'm bleeding. That was until my head started becoming fuzzy. Almost static like. Before I knew it. I blacked out. I woke up slowly. Opening my eyes, I realize. I'm not anywhere I recognize. But from all the noises I hear. " Definitely a Hospital" I said to no one in particular. The Blurry vision, Finally turned clear. I realized that I was lying in a hospital bed. A doctor or Nurse came in and started speaking. " Hello, Mr. L/N. I bet you are wondering how you got here." She said in a calm, yet soothing voice. "Nah mf, I know how I got here" I thought to myself. I finally focused back on her, and she continued saying." There were some people that found you bleeding out on the middle of the sidewalk. You were rushed here. You're lucky to even be alive." She said with clear worry in her voice, but yet still calming. " You had to get stitches, and we as well had to bandage you up. You have lost a lot of blood. So you will not be leaving this hospital, until a few days from now. We have contacted your uncle and Aunt since The house you once lived in was now burned to the ground." She said calmly. " What!!What happened!!??" I said yelling, and clearly freaking out. She tried her best to calm me down. But I just kept yelling at her. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!, HOW WAS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!" I yelled at her. All the commotion that was happening, had attracted other doctors' attention. They came in with what looked like a needle. They ended up drugging me, until I fell back to sleep. " Fuck you all" is the last thing I said before I passed out. Waking up a little while later, I see that there is a nurse checking my wounds. I calmly said" hello" She looked at me. She looked terrified and said" Hello, Mr. L/N" Slowly I realized this was the woman I yelled at earlier. " I'm sorry for freaking out at you earlier. It was just a lot to process" I said calmly. She finally eased up and relaxed. She said" Thank you for apologizing" she said in a calming voice. She got back up, and headed out the door. I quickly yelled before she left. " What's your name!" She quickly responded with" My name is Ann, But you can call me Nurse Ann" She said smiling weirdly and walking out of the door. "What was that weird smile she gave me when she walked out of the door?" I said questioning what the hell just happened. A few days passed. " I haven't seen Nurse Ann at all in the past few days. I've been in the hospital for a few days. My Uncle and Aunt only came to visit once just to tell me and I quote " You will not be moving in with us" They said to me and then walked out. They never asked how I was doing, They just came in and said that, Then walked out. It was the day for me to check out of the hospital. I slowly got up from the bed. Getting ready to leave. I got dressed in the clothes I came in. Just to realize I don't have a shirt. Sooner or later a nurse came in . I asked her " this is a little embarrassing but do you have any extra shirts?" She just nodded her head, and asked me to wait here. A few minutes go by and she comes back and hands me the shirt. Then she walks out. I get dressed and head to the check out. As soon as I check out. I start walking towards the door. I get hit with the nice warm breeze. Thank god it's still summer I say to myself as I walk out of the hospital. I take in my surroundings. It's daytime, so I feel like I have nothing to worry about. I continue walking out of the hospital. "Where's my bike?" I questioned, then remembered the events of that night. " I should probably head back to get my bike, No way she is still there" Y/N thought as he started making his way back to the alley where his bike is. I slowly started making my way to where my bike was. It's gonna be a long walk. It seems like where I was , Was like half way across town. I was constantly passing by stores and just admiring how beautiful and clean the city seemed to be. So many bright colors. So many beautiful things I passed by. Slowly but surely I started reaching to the real reason I was walking. I made it back to the alley I was once at. I started to walk into the alley. But it smelled horrible. As if something was dead or rotting. The further I walked the more horrid the smell came. I identified the horrible smell to be coming from a dumpster. I slowly approached the dumpster and opened it. I was shocked to say the least. I saw my bike in there, but it was covered in blood, and as well a dismembered body. I backed away from the dumpster feeling like vomiting. All that went away when a laugh came from down the alley. This sent shivers down my spine. I looked at the direction that the laughing was coming from just to see the girl in the white hoodie coming for me. But this time, it seemed less murderous then before. But I wasn't gonna stay to find out. I ran down the alley I first ran out to escape. I made my way out of the alley. But this time I ran into the woods. " This might be one of the easiest yet, hardest escapes. Before I entered the woods, I heard a yell say " WAIT!!" I was too far away to hear her. As I just continued to run farther into the woods. Once I felt safe enough and far enough I finally came to a stop. I stopped by what looked like a little pong. I decided to sit down next to the pond. Once I sat down. I looked around to take in my surroundings, and the new environment. I looked at the other side of the small pond. And was absolutely terrified. A faceless woman was staring right at me. I instantly got up, and ran back the direction I had come from. "FUCK,FUCK,FUCK" I kept repeating to myself as I ran through the forest once more. My head was becoming fuzzy and was getting a terrible headache. It felt like static was going through my head. Sooner or later the pain became unbearable. I came to a complete stop. I held my head, the pain became unbearable. I was frantically freaking out and looking around my surroundings before I could do anything, I saw her again. She was towering over me with height. Before anything happened. My vision went blurry, and I blacked out.

End of Chapter Two

A/N: I want you to keep in mind just in case you didn't get it. we are just human, no special powers no abilities NADA guey. So if you take to much pain you know the human body shuts down or sum Idek. That why we have blacked out a lot in this chapter. Also lemme know how I'm doing so far. This is my first ever creepy pasta story and feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you:) have an amazing day. New chapter tomorrow

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