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I wake up naturally, my body clock was already used to early mornings. Not olli though. He looks rough, he must have been drinking last night. I finish packing the last few things then I get changed into comfy cloths for the flight. We were leaving in half an hour so I decided to wake olli.

O-what time is it

Y/n-7:30 come on we are leaving in half an hour, I have your bags packed just get a shower and get changed

O-thank you

I look back and smile then walk out to the kitchen. I had a weird feeling towards him. Lately it's just been off between us. I don't know what it was but I didn't have time for relationship issues right now.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and face timed my family.

Y/n-hi guys!!

M-hi honey how are you getting on?

Y/n-I'm all good, I'm just waiting on olli to get ready before we leave for the flight. Just thought I would ring you to say a quick hello

D-well it's great to hear from you

Y/n-you too, where are the boys?

M-they are out on the farm moto crossing

Y/n-oh okay well I will talk to you later

D-goodbye and safe flight

M-we love you

Y/n-I love you too

I hung up the phone and took a sip of coffee. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I took a few deep breaths and looked up towards the ceiling. It was hard being away from my family. We used to be so close but now with me here in England it's hard. I never really get to see them. My two brothers, Thomas (15) and Casey (17) were crazy into motocross. I loved it too. Growing up on a farm we had plenty of space so we grew up on them. My dad used to race when he was younger but he can't race anymore. He isn't old but he has been sick the last few months. My mum and dad are trying to hide it from us but I can tell he isn't his usual self. It's hard not being with them and they can't fly around the world to see me. That's why Daniel has been such a great help.

O-You ready?

Y/n-yes come on let's go

We grab our bags and drive to the airport.

Y/n-rough night?

O-what do you mean

Y/n-it's pretty obvious you are hungover

O-not really

Y/n-olli I can tell

O-yes okay a little, I had to much but you know the lads


O-you really don't like them?

Y/n-I don't like how they make fun of me and I don't like who they make u become

O-what are you talking about

Y/n-your a completely different person with them and I get that because they are you best friends but you change completely

O-no I don't

Y/n-yes you do

O-im sorry I didn't realise

Y/n-it's fine, but why don't they like me...am I boring or something

O-they do like you

Y/n-olli there is no point lying I can tell they don't

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