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I wake up really early. I can't sleep I'm to nervous. I decide to get dressed and go for a walk around the streets. I go down to the lobby and head down the street. I find a small coffee shop which is open so I decided to get some breakfast. As I go up to order some food the waiter notices me.

W-omg y/n, I can't believe it's you can we get a picture

Y/n-yes of course

We talk for a few minutes then I get my order and sit down in the corner. I was nervous for today as I watched the time tick away on my watch the nerves slowly got bigger. Then I see Charles come in. He looks at me and smiles, before he could say anything again the waiter gets a picture with him. Then he orders a coffee and makes his way over to me.

C-mind if I sit?

Y/n-no not at all

C-thanks, so what has you up so early

Y/n-I just couldn't sleep I was to nervous what about you?

C-I'm the exact same. I went for a walk it usually helps me calm down

Y/n-that's what I was trying, it didn't really work though

C-yes it's hard especially your first time but once you get one race under your belt it dose get a little easier I promise


C-how are you finding redbull...honestly

Y/n-it's ok

C-y/n I can tell by your face. what's wrong

Y/n-ugh okay, don't tell heaps of people though because it dosent look good if I talk about my team like this

C-I won't tell anyone I promise

Y/n-well it's horrible, it's toxic. Christian dosent like me, he constantly puts me down and is just rude to me I really don't like it. Nothing about it is enjoyable

C-yes I thought that would be the case. Pierre was treated the exact same

Y/n-and last time I spoke with Christian he said he dosent know if redbull is the right team for me so I know i need to preform because if I don't he will get rid of me straight away. We don't get along well, and the whole team is built around max and if I suggest something to change he is instantly like no

C-but that's the whole point of having two drivers...to help develop the car

Y/n-exactly, and it's hard to give it your best if your car isn't suited to you. They can't expect me to be amazing if I'm driving a car built around another driver

C-I totally agree with you. Pierre said the exact same, maybe you should talk with him

Y/n-yes that's a great idea. I will try find him today

C-Ye do he might be able to help or at least you can vent with him because what your saying is the exact same as what he said

We talked for another half an hour then we made our way back to the hotel to get ready. It was good talking to Charles he was easy to talk to, I guess making friends isn't as hard as I was expecting. I was expecting all the f1 drivers to be a little stuck up but everyone I've met so far seem the complete opposite.

When I get into my room I see olli packing up our bags for today.

O-morning babe, where were you?

Y/n-I went for a walk to clear my head and got some breakfast. I couldn't sleep so I just had to get up. I met Charles actually

O-oh how is he?

Y/n-he is good, the same as me a little nervous. I talked to him about what was going on and he suggested I talk to peirre because he has been in my situation

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