Season 2: Monster Cash

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"Last season on Total Drama Island: Owen and Gwen battled it out for $100,000. In the end, Owen, a supersize guy, won a supersize check, but then gave it all up for the chance to win one million big ones! With the million smackeroos stuffed into a briefcase, our 22 campers set off on the race for the case, until the case was eaten by an alligator, then a shark. I bet you they didn't see that one coming. Now the 15 who were the closest to winning have been given the chance to win another million dollars. Actually, it's the same money. They have been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges. 42 days, 15 cast mates, one heck of a lot of cash. Welcome to Total Drama Action!"


The busses tires peeled as it braked harshly in front of a worn, grimy, rusted film lot. This was the "super secret yet super amazing" location? Chris wouldn't tell me anything about it other than how excited he was and how it was ten times better than the island. I frowned as I looked through the rusted gate at a building that looked like it was made out of cardboard. No, the island was a heck of a lot better than this place. I sighed and retrieved my bags that had fallen on the floor from the sudden stop and stood. One by one, all 15 of us stepped off the bus and waited by the gate to be let in.

Seeing all of my old teammates and completion made me smile. I never got to say a proper farewell during the last season due to my sudden departure, so it was nice to be with them again. "Glad you're still alive, doll," Duncan had told me when I boarded the bus, causing me to laugh. Mostly everyone, other than Heather (shocker) asked me about what happened after. I lied, saying I had been in the hospital and therapy for a while. Then I showed off my super cool fanny pack and inhaler I kept inside, clasped to my new jeans. Shorts were not an option this season — or, quite frankly, ever with my scars. Out of respect for everyone around me, I didn't want them having to bear witness to that sight.

I set my bags on the cracked pavement and sat on top of one, the rest of my competition doing the same. It looked like we would be out here for a while with the lack of people inside the set to let us in. Gwen asked if we were even at the right spot, which lead to everyone chatting for a while. Beth's braces were removed and Heather was fully bald, Bridgette and Geoff were most definitely a thing now, Justin was ten times more full of himself due to the attention he got last season which lead to him having modeling jobs between seasons. It had only been a month at most, maybe a month and a half, since season one ended, but a lot can happen in a month.

As I was picking at a hangnail, Chris finally showed up after probably ten minutes. He was driving a golf cart that was pulling a trailer with multiple rows of seats. Decked in his signature outfit with his hair gelled back, I looked at him in awe. I was so head over heels for him. Spending a month in a hotel with him was amazing, because it was the closest thing to living with him. We had sort of talked about me moving in but the show was our top priority. It didn't bother me by any means, I was just happy I still get to be with him. I looked at him in pure adoration as he came to a stop, allowing everyone to board. His eyes glanced towards me and he smiled, and I smiled back. My face turned red for some reason, as if it was the first time he had ever smiled at me, and I looked down. Grabbing my bags, I let my hair hide my smile and blush as I boarded the cart.

He drove around the gate and into a back entrance on the lot, explaining how this season will work. Six weeks will be spent participating in challenges while divided into teams. I sort of assumed we'd be back on teams, though I wouldn't of been mad if we were doing it as a free-for-all. He pointed out that there was an uneven amount of participants due to no one else wanting to return, for some reason, so one team would have an extra player. We continued the drive through the lot until we reached a small camper that was deemed the new confessional cam location.

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